............. I ~I . - "f" Herrington Wins~~]'/,Qt for seco.nd straight time • Full women's list, 48. ByMARTY STAMPER Star soorts writer ~J.., 0 --1 ~ :.Ll t..L.l ::::: East Central's Carolyn Boat– man and Jones County's Katie Herrington have been chosen as TheMeridian Star's area women's junior college player and coach of the year. Boatman averaged 19.2 points, including a game-high 49 against Gulf Coast, as ECCC went 13-9 and played in the Region 23 Tour– nament. Boatman, a 5-foot-10 so– phomore forward from Carthage, also averaged 10.2 rebounds, 1.2 assists, and 1.7 steals. She shot 54 percent from the floor and 60 per– c, ·nt from the free-throw I me. ror Herrington, it's her second time to win the coach's award in a~> two yc.ar.'l of existence. She led tlw I ndy Bobcat s to an area-best .' . 1 H• ccnr d and u Final rour ap– V,CIHIIIH~C i 11 1 he Rcg ion 23 l'flllllllllllt)lll, l'liC ldltl)' UOlJCIII!l \\'~-"''•.;rt; Y'~~· r '' ll(' us 111~11 ingtor) wn :.--. ._, ~ · ) f/) 1-· " .....-": cr: ._. L..J ,. ;;.;: Juco Basketball All-Area Team 1- ,, ( named the MJCA 's coach of the year. Clarke College 5-foot-11 so– phomore Tracia Coleman led the 11-13 Lady Panthers with 16.1 points, 10.6 rebounds, 2.1 steals, and 3.9 assists after the school didn't field a team a year ago. Col– eman shot43.5 percent from the field and 64.2 percent from the free-throw line Six-foot sophomore center Na– tasha Johnson of Meridian aver– i99 1.6L8 pQin.ts.,and -10.2 re - tv-=- •q,- ? h. t' >h f "-n r = ...~"" • p1..o..;.~, ,. ........ - - ~--· ------ - - .. __ .,._ .. t-o .f' ..i .• 1 In::: /UQC-L.l ·:_ OO:::CJ r:rfl;;;oa ._.,_,UJU!.l.J :.--:o:::ar.u.....l •·< ~ 0::: I C) --( :.-: ·-r: ;..-: e:Q ;..-: 0 ::t:OOQ;...; r- ~ ::r: f-. o::: Carolyn Boatman averaged 19.2 points ;:= ~ 0::: 0::: U) r t, t..L.l --t:Ot..L.lt..L.l.....l n.. u::::: :.--:%u 0. ·-r:
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