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Erst Central bench stars in 88-78win By STANTORGERSON Star sports correspondent DECATUR - Give credit for East Central Community Col– lege's 88-78 win over Southwest to the Warriors' tiia~h with a special award to m.Junan J.P. Viverette. Jessed with a squad of 13 Ill re or less equal talents, coach Ja) Bowen decided h is starting fi'"~ had had enough when the vis– iting Bears jumped out to an early 18-6 lead. In came Bowen's sec– ond bunch who proceeded to out– score SWCC 18-3 in the next few · utes to take the lead and even– ly the game. the above implies it was easy the above is wrong. It wasn't . But it was competitive from point on. ith both teams playing fierce man-to-man defense the game be– came a shoot from the outside and fight for the rebound affair. Soulhwest led by two at halftime, 33-3 1, A few minutes after the fi– nal period began the game was tied at 46 and then Viverette made his move, or to be exact, his moves. The lightly used this seas~n youngster was suddenly. alwars m the right place at the n~htume. He hit four of the Warnors next six baskets, all from the inside, as ECCC moved to a ten point 62-52 m.. :gm For the evening. Ylv– erene recorded 1.! pomts. good team to ;.--~.,o;:,..,·~~---.....,.~a•r" -..-.agamSl > ~r defeat£ and a 8-2 South Dt'ttsion Conference mark. The victory guaranteed ECCC will finish no worse than second in its division and with two league games still to go. ECCC has an outside chance of catching the leader Gulf Coast Community · College. Bowen said he substituted early, "because I didn't think our first group was ready. When our second bunch came in they did a
Continued from lB
oa.d Gouc:nnd4. £CCC (88)- Enc Maya 4, Luther Rtley 2, Terry Thames 9, Mark Stribling 8. Tyrone Bender 3. Otarley Donnenon 3, Kevin Kennedy 12. T oc Bailey II, Tyrone Stowers 8, Michael James 5. VandyHop10n 9, J.P. Vivcreue 14. llaiiUmtScore: Southwest. 33-31 Records- Southwest 13·1 ') (4-7) East CCDU1l IS-4 (8·2) • ECCC GIRLS 74, SWCC 6-: East Central Commumty Col– lege's Lady Warriors, down rue at halftime and 13 early in lhe fi– nal period to a team whose r indicated they were not as =ood ECCC, rallied for a -4-6- from behind victor) Tb - r .. rught. The Warriors v.ent game Y.itha 10--nw Lad> Bears·.,._ sheet On ___., ~-
good job and made tL po5sible for us to win Lhe game." The Warrior coach also was lavish in his praise for Southwest. "They are," he said, "the best de– fensive team in the state and it was hard to get a good shot inside. On the other hand I thought we pta}ed defense right wilh Lhem. East Central's depth shows up plainly m the box score. Twelve of the I 3 Warriors scored, only three .... ere in double figures, the top man had but 14 and seven pia> ers recorded eigh or more. That 's b.llarlCe
look hke an eas~ mgbt but at wasn'L The tSHor~ led from minute one tl midY. 3)' in the second half. At that point, stilltraihng -51 E. CCC went on a 7-0 tear to t e e lead 64-58, padded it to 72-62 and held on for a final se~ en pouueege. I m proud of the win,· a re– hevec coach Sammy Pace saad postg ..me, " but I'm ever more proud f the comeback." Wn:-: cause. Of the Lad Wu– rior ~ fm al 16 points on " tv. o · tit.D ~ :·rom the free thro . hne The res t were baskets , ~~orec again-,~ a battling Southwt te~
•n bad ly but
The rea and Carol ..:ored :!3 ~
• econd half ·s.:.z.:::::z.:::.------– "r the night - ·ere credited ~ 1d three s...a .tlso showed li swcc <"> - "'c::o=ld:==,.a; _._~~ ..n 19,Dulc:ne~ -.ancr9, Cynthia !'it"'= ECCC (74) - Mu:c!: · Tammy Rigdon6 r·-·-- 1. Brooke Snuth 2, 1>' • Shea Oaltley I Halfttme Score S Records: Southwe.n -~ ·7 (5·5)
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