aststart bounds i.n o(lc possessiOn. being a prime example. J.P. Vtvcr~ue and Marvm Nash added dunks dur– tng the linur 2:13. Baiky ~~~·it Stowers led' ECCC with 17 points each Jamel lind Bender f'nishcd with nine points apiece, wh1lc Thames and Nash scored eight each. Twelve l;(·cc players scored. ...I thought our guys played well," Bowen added. "Everybody's contributing. They're playing well and they're pl aying defense really well. They're playing han~ I'm pleased." Irving rcll(ntcd in the second half to score 15 of his tean1 -hir,h 19 points for the Wildcats. Garrtet Wilson scor~d 13, Sebastian Pall 12, Jimmy Coates II, and ClntJ lcs Parker lO. q•> - Pat GRy 4, Kindall Leggcu 2. Porter With 3, Sebastian P.u I 'l,,Jmmy Coo1cs II, Gcnld Irving 19, Chutes Parl ·- By MARTY STAMPER Star sports writer eight minutes of the first half Pearl Rtver was urcd. We had worn them down and we came back wtth our starters with about four minutes to go and were DECATUR - East Central's Warriors jumped able to stretch the lead to 21 at the half." on Pearl River hard early in breezing to a 95-74 win It took only two seconds for Batley to open the in junior college basketball action Thursday. second half with a dunk. Bailey drilled a 3-pointer The Warriors improved to 14-3 overall ll?<:i _re- to give ECCC a 60-34 advantage with still over 19 main in second place in the MJCA South 01VIS10n minutes to play. with a 4-1 mark. Pearl Rtver fell to 9-6, 1-4. From there, ECCC took advantage of Pearl ECCC led 15-10 when Pearl River's Gerald Irv- River 's zone defense to take 30-40 seconds off the ing went down with a knee mjury with 14:02 ~eft in clock. Tyrone Bender hit three 3-pointers as the the first half. Ten seconds later, ECCC's Mtchael Warriors led 76-50 with 8:19 to play. James slammed home a dunk. James had nlne of "I think our depth hun them in the first· half," ECCC's lirst24 points as the Warriors began to pull Bowen added. "I think that's the key reason that .vay from the Wildcats. • they came out in the second half in a zone down 21. l u:Twn baskets from Tyrone Stowers and a dunk "Up 21. and with them staying in that zone, we from Terry Thames off the fast break extended the wanted to run that shot clock and shorten the game .I oJc.ad to 40 27. A 3-pointer from Tony Bailey. gave as much as possible. We knew s_ooner or later they :r ~e Warriors a 54-34 lead w11h 26 seconds left m the were going to have to come out mto a man-to-man. 11• l!fst half. . .. We were able to run the shot do~ and w~th five _or cc " I thought our guys played. we}} m ';he first half. :o;ix seconds left, Tyrone Bender htt three btg 3.~pom- ECCC coach Jay Bowen satd. Agam we played 1c1s m a row that kept the lead above 20. everyone in the first half. I think that by the last · LCCC owned the boards with six offensive re- t.L. 0 :...::: w.J w.l :::: ~~d j~~~EastCentral's ·women fail to reach prese~son rating mBy. MARTY STAMPER I~!Sttlr sporls wntrr I ·I 1L outside with limited success. "That wasn't our gameplan," ECCC coach Sammy Pace said. Carolyn Boatman gave ECCC nearly all of its inside game with 21 first half points. The other three Lady Warrior inside players- Shontel Lowe, Shea Oakley, and Brooke Smith -combined for only three points as ECCC trailed 45-37 at halflime. Boatman would get onl}' four more points in the second half. Lowe and Paula Nash did most of the ECCC scoring in the final 20 minutes wtth 14 and 16 points. The only other Lady Warrior to score in the final 20 minutes was Jackie Gladney with six points. Even with its size advantage, ECCC managed just two offensive rebounds in the second half, both by Nash. Trailing by as much as 55-42, ECCC drew even ati~73 ~n a basket by Boatman w1 h just under ]1\51 01/11)1 -' ul ..,,...,...~ '""u ;,u ult.lw •=· h."""'''"' ,,)t,., ....-......,.. OECA'I'lJI{ ,_ nnSt Ceutntl'~ l~ady Warriors are uaslowly playiug thCIIISClVCS (!Ill pf' WlllcllllOil for the MJCA South Division I C:j~ul:u .:sca,on title. Pi cked :..~long with Cn· l.in as the preseason favo– rites fur thuttitlc, thci• latest "Sl'tback was an 81-77 loss In Pc:ul River Tluusday. B<>Lh teams are now 3-2 in the South l)ivision· rnct~. I·.CCC is 9-4 overall, while Pl·arl Rive• is ·11 ·3. Pearl River wuldn't -m;uch up w11h ECCC inside, so instead coach Polly Kiddand used a quick three– guard offense that exploited ECCC's defense from the outside. Of the three PRCC guards, Wendy Palmer scored 22 points, Sandy Bryan l 3, and Melissa Adams two. The Lady Wildcats took a 22- 16 first half lead. ~ Ll .::> :::) \J .J I , ) ~ ' ( ..l ) ECCC then got impatient and tri~Jo_j~9!~~r~~Q)e.j.)
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