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year and had a 2.68 ERA. Other sophomores expected to be on the mound include David Luke of Nanth Waiya, Brian Jones of Phi– ladelphia and Anthony White of Little Rock and freshmen Fabian Huddleston ofNewton, Scou Sumer– all of Monor:, Stacy Thames of Louisville, Andy Magoun of Ferri– day, LA; Jerry Dupuy of New roads, LA and Powers. Concerning the infield position. Hines returns at second base. A battle for first base honors is current– ly underway betw~n Perry and Amedee, wtih Yarbrough designat.eO as the starting shortstop. He added Yarbrough was a pleasant surprise in the fall and consistently hit the ball "very Hard." Clark said freshmen Britten Oubre of Hahnvtlle, LA and David Martin of Bossier City, LA "wtll handle lhc left sideofthe infield" The Warrior head mentor said thl short stop and third base postUons will have to improve ovec last fall for East Central to have a solid dcfen– stve effort. Cl:trk, who is 59-65 overall at EC, has consistently produced players who have moved to the senior cgJ– legc level and the professional ranks as well. Former standout first baseman Leon Glenn of Louisville is playing in the Milwaukee Brewer system and pitcher Donald Culberson of Phi– ladelphia stgncd last year with the ChicagoWhite Sox. Culberson play– ed last summer in the White Sox organization but returned to East Central last fall as a fu ll-time student.
When East Central Community College begms Lhe 1991 baseball season on February 26 at ClarkeCol– lege, fans should see a much improved team from last year's win– ning campaign. Although the 1990 Warriors won a record 22 games (against 21losses) and finished with a 12-12 South Division mark, head coach Jamie Clark said the 1991 squad will be "sttonger, faster and have more depth." Clark added the Warriors will also "play more aggressively" and will be "exciting to watch." Clark credits an intense off-season program in producing stronger and faster players. "We do a lot of weight-lfting, exercises and running which have really paid off in getting us ready to successfully complete this season," Clark said. Specifically, he said the outfield and catcher positions look "particu– larly strong" and added several play– ers should be "very productive" at the plate. Concerning the outfield, Clark said two of last year's starters, left fielder Jamey Champion of Dempoolis, ALand Wendell White– head of Newton will return to action with the center field position "still up for grabs." He said two players fight– ing for starting honors are sopho– more Larod Odom of Forest and freshman John Jackson of Sibley, LA. However Clark said a "reshuf– fling" could occur, with Champion moving to center field and Jon Pow- ers ofWestlake, La playing left field .
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