Area juco players among By MARTY STAMPER Star sports writer Hinds, Coahoma, and Meridian in that order.
champion Lady Tigers have fallen upon hard times, going 1-3 since returning from the midseason break. The lone win was at Jack– son (Tenn.) State. • The Alabama women's teams have begun to gain some measure of revenge on Mississippi teams lately. Calhoun split with Ita– wamba (winning 94-77 and losing 94-63), beat Meridian (76-75), and beat East Mississippi (71-63). Northwest Alabama defeated Northeast Mississippi (72-70). Mississippi teams dido 't go without their moments e ither. EMCC beat Shelton (75-47) and Patrick Hemy (91-81). East Cen– tral beat Patrick Henry (88-73) and Brewer State (67-58). Jones beat Patrick Henry (89-63) and Brewe r (95-51 ). Itawamba beat Shoals (101-83). Meridian beat Patrick Henry (97-94). For the year, Mississippi wo– men' s teams hold a 27-4 advan– tage over those from Alabama. For the year, Alabama women's teams are a woeful21-69 against out-of-state competition. • The Mississippi men's teams have been nearly as impressive as its women's teams against Ala– bama, holding a 24-71ead in head– to-head competition.
• The top six individuals as ranked by the coaches are Tangela Jones of Co-Lin, DonnaWashing– ton of Hinds, Carolyn Boatman of ECCC, Teresa Evans of Jones, Shannon Montgomery of Co-Lin, and Audrey Williams of Coahoma. • Co-Lin's 13-0 Lady Wolves are ranked fifth in this week's NJCAA women's basketball poll. • Gulf Coast's 15-2 Bulldogs are ranked 19th in this week's NJCAA men's poll. Northeast, No. 20 last week, dropped out af– ter a loss to Jackson (Tenn.) State. Faulkner (Ala.) State is 14th with a 16-1 record. • In the Miss-Lou Conference men's race, you can toss out Southern-Shreveport (0-5) and Natchez (0-3), but the other five members are all in the race with four (Meridian, Clarke, Mary Hol– mes, and Bossier Parish) still unbeaten. "To be honest, I think Meridian bas got the best shot at winning it," Delgado coach Tommy Smith said. MCC beat Delgado, 84-58, in Meridian on Jan. 10. Freshman Herman Myers leads the Eagles in scoring and rebounding. • Northeast's six-time defend– ing MJCA state tournament
Donna Washington of Hinds is the leading women's scorer in Re– gion 23 with a 26.4 average. Caro– lyn Boatman of East Central is second, averaging 21.3 points. Third place belongs to Co-Lin's T angela Jones (20.5), while ECCC 's Paula Nash and Pearl River's Edith Pedescleaux are tied for fourth at 16.8. Rounding out the top 10 are Teresa Evans of Jones and Tondia Evans of Gulf Coast at 16.5, Angel Foster ofGulf Coast (16.3), Retha Greer of Holmes (16.0), and T.J. Banks of Itawan1ba ( 15.5). Gv.en Wilson of Hinds is the leading rebounder (13.6), fol– lowed by Washington of Hinds ( 13.0), Meridian's Rancee Pringle (11.2). Co-Lin's Jones (9.7), and ECCC's Boatman (9.6). ECCC's Nash leads in assists (7.9) , followed by Leslie Ash– worLh of Northwest (7.1), MCC's Debra Wells (6.4), Zelda Bowman of Hinds (6.3), and Tonya Dawson of Holmes (6. 1). Clarke College, Coahoma, Mary Holmes, Mississippi Delta, 'ortheast, and Southwest did not repon individual stats for the Jan. I I deadline. • The top si x women's teams as ranked by the Region 23 coaches are Co-Lm, Jones, East Central,
• The Gulf Coas t men snapped Faulkner State's unbeaten ~-:.1 "'~n with a win at V.utclea\'e on Jan. .!. statistical leaders
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