I cen :ral baseballers fmish
fall season with 8-4 record The Diamond Warriors of East Central Communuy College recent– ly completed a successful fall cam– paign by posting an 8-4 mark under fi fth -year head coach Jamie Clark. pm. The Warriors were fourth in .1990, fifth in J<}89.,;md \\ed for n.fth tn 1988. Overall, C,\ happy" with the fall campaign and expects posttive results in the spring, when East Central begins 1992 competition. l'lch Clad .. said the main objec- Juring fall competition was "to tid the pitching staff" which he s ha:o. been accomplished. op hurler\ on Clark's squad in– diil:i Jerry Dupuy, :} sophomore fr Ventres~. Louisiana who has ' lc.:d a national letter-of-intent \-1i~sissippi State University;. more Fabian Huddleston and hman Luke Gibbon, both of ton: and fre'>hman TralllY.' ~ cdee ot St Amant, Lout~ana. lark '>3Jd he is "especiallY, oro~ 1 u ' of Dupuy who will -bc"1f nber · Ron Polk's Bulldoa:~ttlfr the 1992-93 ~chool year. Dfi/>6)~ 1 ~land., 5-1 1 and weJghi 165 \\ nd;;, \\ ent 5-J 111 1991 and ~ted' 41 ER-\. He played high s~oq1 r Uark '>atd Iall ,.,o~kouts began on b!ill at Fal'e Ri,·er Academ'' ~ctober 13, 1991 \\llh a lot of run- he\\ arrior head mentor '> APPEAR~D I~~ : CART~AGI\!A\ ~ ~lOR TO\ TRI BU\E \ESi-IOB.\ DD:OC~~l.=T-:\E\\"10\ RECORD \/ CLARIO\ - LEDGER SCOTT COUKTY%IME U~ION APPEAL WINSTON COUNTY J UR!\AL___ _ ~!ERI DIAN STAR - --- - - --
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