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road against PRCC
tral the first game here in my five years," PRCC coach Jim Nightengale said. "They play tough right here. We've got another day to play." PRCC faces 27-11 Delta, while 34-6 Gulf Coast takes on 17-13-1 Northwest in the MJCA tourney. "They're not a great team, but they're solid," Clark said of the playoff-bound Wildcats. "We're a pretty good team, but we're not as solid as tbey are. Maybe next year." The Warriors wound up third in the South Divi– sion for their highest league finish since making the state playoffs in the mid-l970s. The coaches mutual!} consented not to play the nightcap as the playoff bertb had already been settled. PRCC---- - --------210 004 2-9 II 4 ECCC-----------------·200 210 0- S 6 4 WP - Will Seymour (1·0). LP- 1=> Dupuy (S-4). Multiple hlttm– PRCC: Bran Roalu , Oluis O:.ar:>cx~De~. Willi&rnSOn. San~ 3; ECCC: Jon Powers 3. 2B - PRCC: Gn:a Sanden, Zacn Pace. JB - None. JIR - PRCC: Jamie Williamaon, ECCC: W~ Y.l:itd:e.wd
wil.h an error by third baseman Britten Oubre, Lhe Wildcats got to within 5...!. Brad Gilmore's bloop single into a soggy outficlrl put PRCC ahead to stay, 7-5. "We had been getting some pretty good pitching lately, but we knew the time was going to come when it was going to jump up and bite us and it did today," ECCC coach Jam.e Clark said. The Warriors threatc.."led in the bottom of the sixth, loading the bases ~ il.h no outs after Hines walked, Powers singled. :.::<:1 Whitehead was hit by a P.itch. PRCC's Will &;:\mour (1-0) came on to stnke out the middle of t!',e ECCC lineup - Jamey Champion, Trampas Atrudee, and Mark Stribling - and keep the two-ru:: lead. ECCC stranded 10 b~runners from the third through the sixth inninp The Wildcats added :·.vo more runs in tbe seventh. ''That 's the first time .,. e've ever beat East Cen-
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