"Stronger, faster, more depth" ... ECCC diamond Warriors begin season
and had a 2.68 ERA. Other sophomores expected to he on the mound include David Ltu.:e o f Nanih Waiya , Brian Jones o. Philadelphia and Anthony \\' hite o Liule Rock and freshmen Fabia" Huddleston of Neww n, Sec t umerall of Morton, Stac} Thank' of Louisville, Andy ~1agoun of Ferriday, Louisiana; Jerry Dupu~ ..:>f :-.e .... Roads, Louisiana; and PoY.ero; Concerning the infield position, H nes returns at second base. A ba - flc 1 or first base honors is curren v under""ay between Perr} and meace, with Yarbrou~ &s gnated as the starting short ~o-. He added Yarbroug11 was a pleasan: rurpn~e n the fall and consi~tentl) Jut the ball "very hard." Clar 'a1d fres hmen Britten Oubre of Hahnville, Louisiana and Da'id Martin of Bossier City, Loui– Jan.a • ilJ handle the left side of the infield •• The \\ arrior 'lead mentor said the hon top and third base positions will have to impro'e over la<>t fall for Eaq Centra. to have a so·lid defen<>h .. effort . Clark. "-hO 1 59-65 overaJI at East Cent ral, ha corulstently produced
When East Central Community College begins the 1991 baseball season on February 26 at Clarke College, fans should see a much im– proved team from last year's winn– rhg campaign. r Although the 1990 Warriors won a record 22 games (against 21 losses) and finished with a 12-12 South Division mark, head coach Jamie Clark said the 1991 squad will be ' 'stronger, faster and have more depth." Clark added the Warriors will also "play more aggressively" and will be "exciting to watch." Clark credits an intense off– season program in producing stronger and faster players. "We do a lot of weight-lifting, ex– ercises and running which have real– ly paid off in getting us ready to suc– cessfully compete this season," Clark said. Specifically, he said the outfield and catcher positions look "par– ticularly strong" and added players should be "very productive" at the plate. Concerning the outfield, Clark said two of last year's starters, left fielder Jamey Champion of Demopolis, Alabama and Wendell
Whitehead of NeY.10n "- Ill return to action with the center field po ition "still up for grabs." He ..aid t"-O players fighting for starting honor are sophomore Larod Odom of Forest and freshman John Ja~k on of Sibley, Louisiana. Ho\\C\Cr, Clark said a "reshuffling'' could oc– cur, with Champion mO\ ng to center field and Jon PoY.cr' of Westlake, Louisiana playmg leu field. At catcher, Clark said the pro– bable starter will be Clay Cour ille of Eunice, Louisiana who pla}ed third base last season. Backing up Courville will be freshman Dernck Glenn of Louisville and Tomm\ Joiner of Forest. · Leading the offensive attack will be sophomores Greg Perry of Edin– burg, Scott Hines of Philadelphia, Wendell Whitehead of Philadelphia, Champion, and Courville and freshmen Jake Yarbrough of Union and Trampas Amedee of St. La– mant , Louisiana. Clark sa id his main concerns this season are the pitching staff and specific infield positions. The onI) e'\pen, need hurler retur– ning is Perrywhfl waS" 2-0' la<,t yclir
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