Pictured are 1941 graduates of East Central Community College who observed their ;>Oth class reunion dur~ Homecoming activities held Saturday, Oct. 19 on the Decatur campus. Among those attending the special obser– YanCe were, first row from left, Charles " Sonny" Jordan, Decatur; Lamar Triplett, Hoskinsville, Ky.; Mary Alice Petty Reese, Cleveland; Davis Scott, Meridian; Elizabeth Dumas Stone and Herd E. Stone, both of Holly Grove, Ark., Pruitt Lee, Louisville; Dot Summers Doolittle, Brookhaven; second row from left, Jack Blount, Philadelphia; Enez Clay Hollis, Carthage; Miller Petty, Bells, Tenn .; Mary Phillips Robinson, Jackson; Myrtis Burkes Richardson, Philadelphia; Jean Johnson Carnes, Starkville; Bennett Alford, Kosciusko; lillian Hellen Hicks, Tupelo; third row from left, Charles McMullan, Jackson; Jack Griffin, Starkville; Eley Miller, Carthage; Ettie Frances Carter Walsh, Fort Myers, Fla · D. C. Alford, Carthage; Joyce Aogeni Mclean,.UeOdiln; aa..nc:e V&NM Milchell, Philadelphia; Sam Hailey Canton fourth reM from left, Frances ThQJABs Wltla'*" P~lpNe; Oata WJggins APPEARED IN : SCOTT COU:\TY THIES_ _ _ U:\1 0 \ APPEAL ~ W I !\ ST0 !\ C0U1\=T.,..,.Y----...J=o.,....u=R l\ AL--L-V___ ~IE R I DI AN STAR - - - - CARTHAG i i\IA:\ ~10RT01\ TRI BU.-;: -i,..E___ :\ESHOBA DE~IOCRAT v NE\\'TON RECORD CLAR I ON - LEDGER - - - - __,=---
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