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~· where she coaches tpe Hattiesburg High School girls' basketball team. Also inducted into the 1991 ECCC Hall of Fame is Larry HendersDn. who played high school ball at Forest. He played football at East Central in 1958 and 1959. In '59, he was chosen all-state and honor~ble mention All-American. He was also named the Warriors' Most Valuable Lineman in 1959. It was his block ~at sprang ha~ck Billy Ba ucum for the winn,.mg touchdown in a 14-12 game wlth Holmes. During the 1958-59 seasons, East Central posted a 12-8 record. Henderson continued his caree; at Delta State. Currently the bead coach at Murphy High School in Mobile, Ala., Henderson has been coaching for 22 years. His 1989 Murphy team went 13-1 ariel ~~t a national record for allow– ing the fc · · ~t yard!'l rushing in a season with 17;> Oll:4 per game).
two years She's second on the USM scoring list with 947 points. Jones scored 22 points and haul– ed in 24 rebounds in a 00.59 USMwin over Ole Miss. She also had a 36-point game against Jackson State. "Diana was probably without a doubt the most prolific rebounder to ever wear a Lady Eagle uniform," USM women's head coach Kay James sa id. " She was such a dominating player mside for us. She could score and rebound with the best of them. I'm just sorry I didn't get a chance to coach her for four years.' ' Lucille Wood, then women's basketball coach at East Central, is glad she got half of Jones' time. Jones scored 25 points as East Central lost to Motlow (Thnn.) State, 73-70, in tr iple overtime in the Region 7 ;J.'Qurnament at Cleveland, ;re&JD. .Jane m Hattiesburg
was the third-highest scorer in the region and was the state's top re– bounder. Jones had 18 games of 15 or more rebounds during her sophomore .,_son, twice getting 24 (against Utica and Gulf Coast). She also had ewen games in which she scored at least 30 points that season with a school-record of 45 in a 96-92 double– overtime win over Gulf Coast that lasted until this past season. "Lyons is some kind of shooter," then Gulf Coast coach Sue Ross said at the time. "We played her stra ight up and when that didn't work, we tried double-teaming her. Even then we couldn't stop her." ln 53 games at East Central, Jones averaged 19 points. She went on to play at the Univer– sity of Southern Mississippi where she was named to the MAIAW all– state ~ tn 1918 and .1979. Sbe still holds u.e u.. ~ r-!ld ~wrag~ recordWitll l2.9 pwlbag ~ in
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