Robert U. Green,
'"' ll 811 Robert U. Green, Jr. ~·~ sclccled an Automotive M ,Ws instructor at East Central Cornmuni– ty College in Decatur, announced Dr. Eddie M. Smith, college president Green, 41, previously served 15 years in the same capacity at Hinds Community College. Additional work experience includes employ– ment at Van Every Ford Company/ John Harvey Ford Company in Jackson. For over 15 years Green has been certified as a Master Auto Techni– cian and more recently he has been certified as a Heavy Duty Truck Technician. His expertise i,n!~ BU!Ci~~ field is often in n ~ t~ s~1'tl motive sc'~e~srf~~~~~presen Uitive fOJ €hr:y:~iur's Gu::.tome~ Satis– faction Arbitration Board. Since 1985 Green has also served as 1~b nical Contest Manager for- [Jle Plymouth/AAA Trouble Shoolinp Contest for Mississippi high sdi students. AMeridian native, Green is a gra– duate of Meridian High School; Meridian Junior College and Hinds Com~unity College: He is cu ~lJj pursumg a bachelor's de~}@~ the University of Southern Mississippi. -- Green and his wife, the former J~ C ~r!; !JA~t Philadelphia, . fo~ ..ttila.eu: ~>bert, III, 23; --~;t .~T~l~ ~·A~rlTatum,ll. as 1 APPEARED I~ : Cr\RTHAGIXIAJ\ SCOTT COU~TY TI :1ES U~IO\ .\PPEAL 1'-IORTO~ TR I BU~0.1=--E-NESHOBA DEMOCRAT V / NE\v.TON RECORD , _,.---'---– CLJ\RION - LEDGE~R--- --- 1\'I:\STO~ COU\n·· 'L1U;)'. · · ~IFRIDIA\ STAR. J K.u_____
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