·rr tUCKER CENTER DEDICATED- Ceremonies to officially dedicate the Bradford J. Tucker Applied Technology Center were recently held at East Central Community College In Decatur and attended by college administrators, faculty, staff members, and many well-wishers from throughout the state. Dr. Tucker, a Leake County native, Is retiring on June 30_, 1991 following a 40-year career at the two-year Institution. For1hepast 30 years, Dr~ Tucker has served as dean of Instruction. (EC Photo) nru APPEARED I:\ : CARTHAGIJ\IJ\l'\ :-.IORT00: TRI BU~0:Er--· -- )JESIIOBA DHIOCRAT \lEI\ TO.\ RECORD V---– CLARION - LEDG ER SCOTT COU:-\TY T l ~IES U0:IO.\ APPEAL ---- WINSTON COU!'\TY JOUR.\AL 'IERIDL\~ STAR ---
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