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Long hours spent working in IUS office are not mu~-· ~"or~ w T.... A..ec. and concrete results from hts effons are evident to his fellow adminisaa– tors, faculty and staff, and student body. Regaradless of his effons and achievements, he bas never been one to seek recognition for his accomplishments. Of Dr. Tucker's work at EC, Dr. Eddie M. Smith, college president, said: "To come to East Central as President with Dr. Tucker i:lS Dean of Instruction was, indeed. a great blessing for me. Dr. Tud:er belped me beyond measure. He was., and has remained, kind, suppor.i\-e and patient through a vanety d SJtm!IQC!5 and occasions." When Dr. Tucker ~-as ~a::it:d Deam of Instruction he codd
Rd1ccting upon his tenure at East C~ !>r: ·Tc:::l:c obscr..-ed; • I>..:r– mgm} low! ~ Central, It h:ls hcen my pkas::e be a pan of the continuing~ cl the college which has been } for nearly 50 years. If I made a contribution to that grov.: 2!ld ress, then I am thankful for opportunity. I feel that Ea..t ~ has a great future, and I shall with pride as the college moves the 21st century." Dr. Tucker is married to the for– mer Mary Vaughan, a native of Yazoo City. The Tuckers are the rarents of a daughter, Mary Eli– :z:lbeth Tartt (Mrs. Stephen Tartt), of ieridian. There are three Tucker !T'..n Car•hc:gir.ic:n_______ Sc::: Ccur.~y Times_ _ ___ C:c:ricn -Lecger_____
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