FICK SCHOLARSHIP ESTABLISHED- Family members of the late Robert G. Fick have established a scholarship In memory of the former East Central Community College music Instructor who served the two-year institution from 1951·1978. Fick died on July 26, 1990. Shown making the scholarship presentation to college president Dr. Eddie M. Smith is Mrs. Robert G. Flck. The annual award will be presented to a sophomore who has earned at least 46 cumulative hours and maintained a grade point avearge of not less than 2.00. In addition, the recipient "must have shown a dedi· cation to the betterment of the music department through untir– Ing work." Each year's recipient will be presented a cash award of $100.00 and have his or her name Inscribed on a trophy cup pur– chased by family members. The Robert G. Flck Memorial Scholar– ship was approved by the college's Board of Trustees during Its Februa'"!, ~ti'n~J~CPhot·,.. ,.._, . :.??E ..l.RED IN : .::ARTHAGINIAN ~!ORTO.'J TRIBUNE ~E~:o~ RECORD ( _ARlO:\ - LEDGER SCOTT COUNTY TIMES UNION APPEAL WINSTON COUNTY JOURNAL ------- ~--- ~cSHOBA DEMOCRA~T~-- - ----- MERIDIAN STAR ~ ----- - - --
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