COMMUNITY COLLEGE DAY OBSERVED • Representative Ray– mond Comans (Newton, Neshoba counties) of Decatur Is shown with ECCC sophomores, from left, Bethany Brantley of Carthage and Mlchalle Everett of Hickory, during Community/Junior Col– lege Day Activities recently held at the State Capitol. Officials and students from the state's two-year Institutions participated In the one-day event In observance of Community College Month as proclaimed during February. The East Central students aremem– bers of the Warrior Co~ ich I~ a - t~ group of students who assist In recrutl · g and serve as hosts andoostesses for col- lege events and actlvrtter,:teerhot~} aaa 2il:)IVC'l
COMMUNITY COLLEGE DAY OBSERVED - Representative Shel· ton E. (Buck) Bounds (Neshoba County) of Philadelphia Is shown with ECCC sophomores, from left, Mlchalle Everett of Hickory and Bethany Brantley of Carthage, during Community/Junior College Day activities recently held at the State Capitol. Rep– resentatalves from the state's two-year Institutions participated In the one-day event In observance of Community College Month as proclaimed during February. The East Cer.tral students are members of the Warrlot Cor,ps. Whtch-18 a setect group of stu- dents who assist In reaultlng an~ servs as ho! ts and hostesses for college events and acttlft"es. N: APPEARED I .:>~.-u l - 1..uu.,. • fi~tES _ _ _ _ UNIO~ APPEAL~~~ \'JI>JSTO~ COU:\TY JOUR\AL___ CARTHAGINI AN MORTON TRIBUNE NESHOBA DEMOCRAT NEWTON RECORD ' om ns " • ~IER IDIA:\ STAR_ _ _ CLARION - LEDGER_ _ _
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