!':eshoba Democrat. Philadelphia. Miss.• February 20, 1991, 7A • • • .,.. • n ' :t~PA
Tucker, McMullan honored East Central Commtmity College Dean of Instruction Dr. Brad Tucker, center, and Raymond McMullan {at right), Director of Admissions. Records and Research, were recently honored during initiation ceremonies of Theta Xi Chapter of Phi Theta Kappa, national honorary scholastic society for community and junior college students. Dr. Tucker, who is retiring June 30, received various gifts and words of praise for his 42 years of service in the field of education. Forty of those years has been spent on ECCC campus. He previously was inducted as a honorary member of the scholastic organization. McMullan also was praised for his service to education and Phi Theta Kappa and was In– ducted as a honorary member of Theta Xi Chapter. At left are chapter advisors Dr. Shelby Harris and Mrs. Ann Burkes and at right is Mike Watson, Assistant Director of the Honors Study Program for the Phi Theta Kappa Society. Spec1al entertamment for the imtiation ceremony was provided by 1990 East Central graduate and PTK member Vonda Fraley of Union. Fraley performed "Dream Your Dream~." a song she composed which was awarded a nat1onal award of merit for perform1ng arts at the national PTK conventiOn held tn a,..p;rsncisco, Calif. (EC Photo)
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