East Centra eats Jones ps season record to 1 0-2 'lbny Bailey scored 20 points Ni cole Fli n t, 12; Tamell a Misty Wrigh t, 8 ; Tamella llDd led East Central Commu- Mazingo, 10; Brooke Smith, 8; Mazingo, 7; Gloria Clay, 3; and nity College to a 68-63 South Glori a Clay and Susan Lisa Tucker, 2. Division win over Jones County Williams, 6 each ; Apryl Hen- East Cen t ral led 38-25 at Junior College Thursday night son, 4; and Lisa Tucker, 2. halftime. on the Ellisville campus. Following the loss, the Lady
With the win, the Warriors Warriors evened their record to improved to 10-2 overall and 2- 5-5 overall and 1-1 in division 0 in division play. action. Also scoring for the Warriors Games played December 3 were J . P. Viverett, 13; Mark Both East Central teams Stribling, 10; Luther Riley, 9; began South Division competi– Vandy Hopson, 7; Harold Scott tion on a winning note against and Robert Mikell,m 4 each ; squads from Mi ssissippi Gulf and Markee Sanders, 1. Coast Community College. The score was tied 33-33 at The Lady Wa rriors easily halftime. defeated the Gulf Coast women The La dy Wa rriors , led by by a 74-65 margin while the Shellie Griffm's 13 points, saw Warrior s rolled to a 75-57 win their four -game win streak over the visiting Bulldogs. snapped as the ECCC women Lady Warrior scorers were fell 73-71 to the Lady Bobcats. Shellie Griffin , 22 ; Br ooke Other EC pointmakers were Smith , 16; Nicole Flint, 13;
Warrior scorers were Tony Bailey 28; Luth er Riley, 15; Mark Stribling and Vandy Hop– son, 13 each ; and J . P. Viverett, 6. East Central led 40-33 at halftime. Games this week East Central teams will be on the road for the r emaining games on the 1991 schedule. Gam es left pr ior t o t he Christmas break will be held December 12 at Copiah-Lincoln Community College and December 14 at Holmes Com– munity College.
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