Fre-.Jun~n 'qu:td memb~.:ro; 111 pomt guards MallhC\\ R 1IC\ (6· Walnut Grove and HUJ uld <~-1 0) of Bohon, J'ennc"cc: ''ard Markee S,mdcr' (6 4 ) ol hurg, center Da\ 1d \\ .tdL' (6 \lorton, fon' a r d center R , M1kell o f \\ a ln u1 Gro.,.c, guarJ ! 0 1 ward Undrc fhom.lS 1f hHCSI
\\ uh one team kd b) a H:teran coach and the other directed b) a ne"comer to communi I} college competiuon. Ea~t Central Com- mumt} College \\ill hcgm I he
member' 1 1 1 11.:
;\, u nor' are to
repeal la'1 ,c,t,on·, Mtecc.,,
Reltll ning sophomore pia) ct' in- dullc J Uanl s ron) Balle} t6 .5) of
\'ilia Ri.:a, Gcorgta. LUlher R ll~' 1991-92 ba~l\ctball 'ca,on by tra'-'cl - (6·0) or \\ alnu1 G1 O\ ~., .tnd i\Tar k mg to Ea~l Mi,.,i.,,ippt Community Stribling C6-tll of Pln hi(!•llpi~l; a nd College on \tond.t). ':'..·J\~:mbcr 4. fon\aHb \ ,tlld)' Ho~~'F!J~({fl) of ftpoff for the no1H.Ii\ bion matd1Ul\- 8 ,};h rladelplua alid .J.P \~1) e,rrtJt (6 -6) I' .. cl for 6:00p.m. Ill women', ac-t ' Of ~ba\Wpnl. 015'1
tton "ith 1he men'-. game -.chcdWf at 7:~:5 p rn. on the Scooba camp J No" 111 hi ... -.i,th year a~ coach< the Lad) WarrioP., Sammy Pace hope' to Impro,·c on last year's 13 9 r~o.'Con..l b~ uuliLing eight '>Ophomorc' .tnd Jive frc~hmcn on t hi~ .... ca~on ·, ~;quad . Pace ... ard -.ophomorc member' include guard -\pry! 1-1 ~ dun of Unton. guard., Amy ApllfJ;.t son of N~'>hoba C~ntral and Ql{.)tbl Cia} ol LouJ~'-'ille, forward'> Su,.~ Williarm of Ncwwn Couo ~" \cademy, BrooJ..c Smith and ~t!WJ Flint of N~ ... hoba Central, anO tf<~ fud~r of Byram, and center 1ibt \ 'ri!!ht of Ncl>hoba Central. - ...hmen sq uad membe f ~ point guard Stephanie WJI~ of Huntington, Lo uisiana; gtfu~g Mistie Robinson of No'(apat~r an~ Shellie Griffin of Union, for.YI'
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