\\"EEK OF k0 -l ew E "l~o·ach is r ady to settle down th1s IS nothmg new to Cooper, who bas followed the footsteps of Bowen over the years. The 33-year old took over as head coach at Armstrong State College in Savannah, Ga., after Bowen moved to Decatur to lead the Warriors program. "The head coach at Armstrong called me in Ohio and told me I should apply at East Central," said Cooper, who most recently worked at Kentucky Career Insti– tute, in Florence, Ky. "ltalked with Bowen about the job, and (la– ter) accepted it." any Cooper had one hectic . After accepting the head ba– ::""~~ ...1coaching position at East tral Community College on day, he was hearing wedding ~at was one heck of a week," C said of last week. "I took t .,.ob on Monday, and got mar– r on Wednesday. Then we ed to Decatur during the weekend and started working Monday." Cooper, who was named head coach of the ECCC basketball team Oct. 8, replaced Jay Bowen, who is now in Atlanta as an assis- The list of credintia ls for Cooper was long and impressive to ECCC president, Dr. Eddie Smith. However, it w~s during the tant coach at Georgia State. But ,=-;see~c~OOP;=-::ER::..._ _____ __,.!!I~B £W11q 151V£t bJW •Cooper interview when Smllh realized this was the man they were after. 'He has excellent experience, ndr& terrific positive attitude," m1ili said of his new coach. The election committee consisted of tvernembers, with Smith serving s he chairman. "One of the w-~\11:101': that impressed the commit– tee was how well he was prepared ot:abe interview. He showed a lot fmaturejudgement. He is an out– o ng person with a ple~sing per- ready. A lot of people are expect– ing big things like competing for the league title and winning~ 8 5q "Even though there is some ta– lent, a lot of it depends on how quickly the players can adju~t to me, and me adjust to them. But ( with only 2 days on the job jm kind of cautious to make any pre– diction like that. I'm not going to be surprised if we have some diffi– culty early." games. sonality, and is easy to get to know." But the biggest concern now for the Ohio native is lack of practice time. After specking with the team for the first time Monday, there are only three weeks to imple~ent his philosophies before the ftrSt game of the season. "(Bowen) left me some talent here," Cooper said. "The thing that scares me the most is it is only three weeks until the first game, which is not enough tim to get APPEARED IN : CARTHAGINIAN MORTON TRIBU"NEr--– NESHOBA DEMOCRAT NEWTON RECORD SCOTT COUNTY TIMES U~ I O~ APPEAL WINSTON COUNTY JOURNAL ~1E RIDIA\1 STAR ~ --- --– --- CLARION-LEDGER
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