Members of the 1990 East Central Community College Homecoming Court include, seated from left, queen Michelle Mitchell of Morton; maid of honor Renea Thames of Union; and standing, from left, freshman maids Amy Fussell of Louisville, Wendy Ellis of Carthage and Kimberly Shirley of Forest; and sophomore maids Amy Cumberland of Philadelphia , Buffy Reeves of Decatur and Michalle Everett of Hickory. The court will be presented during halftime ceremonies of the East Central-Pearl River Community College football game scheduled Saturday, October 13. Kickoff for the Homecoming battle is set for 2:30 p.m. on the Decatur campus Michelle Mitchell named homecoming queen

Ht>r t>scorl is freshman Scoll Sumerall. also of Morton. A sophomor£>, the 1990 Maid of Honor is the daughter of James Thames and J oann Preston of Union. Thames is a two-year member of tht> college's gospel choir and she is set·ving this year as Easl Central basketball team manager. She is a graduate of of Beulah Hub– bard High School. Serving as her escort is freshman Derek Brown of Newton. A graduate of Neshoba Central High School, Cumberland is a member of Mu Alpha Theta, Sigma Sigma Mu Tau, S.A.D.D.

Michelle Milcht>ll. a sophomore from Morton, was recently elected Homecoming Quet>n at East Central Community College in Decatur. The daughtt>r of Mr. and Mt·s. Gary Mitchell. she will officially be crown– ed during hal£1ime ct>remonies of the East Central-Peat•! River Community College football game scheduled Saturday, Octobet' 13, 1990. Kickoff for the Homecoming battle is st>l for 2:30 p.m. on the Warrior field. Other members of the Homecoming cout·t include Maid of Honor Renea Thames of Union; sophomore maids Amy Cumberland of PhUadelphia, l\lichalle E\'erell of Hicko,·) and Buf– f) Reevt>s of Decatur: a nd frl'Shman mai~ Wend} Elh_ r Carli'. e Am}

serves as captain of the Fashion Squad. He escort is sophomore Ken Hum– phries of Louisville. Reeves is serving her second year as a member of the Centralettes, the dance line for the college's marching band. During her freshman year she was treasurer of lhe £reshman class and she was a member of Sigma Sigma Mu Tau. The daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Reeves of Decatur, she will be escorted by sophomore Brian Cooper, also of Decatur. Ellis, daughter or Sherry ElllS and Sammy Ellis of Carthage !!> a member he roi.le'<:e · ~ ioo<.bau and

- . ~ o! De -- ~ Stgroa S~g:-:1a ~lu T..u ;se.r. .. e. ter organization as nee pres1dfllt She was rece ntly chosen for membership into the Warrior Corps, which is a select group of students who assist in recruiting and serve as hosts and bostesse for college en•nts and activities. Mitchell is also a member ()f ·lhe


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Junt.-:., a.sc 01 Pnll4d.. •f'! .a E\·erett, daughter of ~lr. and Mrs. Sam Everett, Jr. of Hickory, is also involved in various college activities and currently serves as secretary of the Student Body Association. She is a member of Phi Theta Kap– pa, Warrior Corps and Sigma Sigma

me~rs~ ..._, .n ~ "amorCarps She is the daughter of ~tr. and Mn> Rick Fussell of Louisville. Her esc.orl is freshman Chad Har– rison of Union. A football and basketball cheerleader, Shirley also participalcs in the intramural nag (oolball.

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