ECCC Outstanding Alumni

Larry Hogue served seven y~•rs as n member of the Forest Municipal School Board of Tru~tccs, with fiVC or those years served a..-; Boord o;ccre~try. ~ot only has Ta) lor been active w1th her work '" education. but ~he is also invohcd 10 ,·3fious club·. church and other school acti' 1tic~. She ha aho done a lot of volunteer work \\ith the Girl SeouL' and Cub Scouts. She currcnlly "cr.cs a;; -:ec· rctary at ForN B:~pt1~t Church. Ta)lOr said she h "'cry pleased and honored" to have llcen selected ''Alumna of the Year'' and sa1d ::.he 1s looking forward 10 attending the. luncheon wllh fannly and friends. She added it is very graufying to be rccognit.cd for her dforts in educa– uon and ot.hcr worthwhile c:10ses. LARRY HOGUE Larry Hogue of Flowood, mana– ger ol Education Scrvn:cs at M1~sis­ s1ppi PO\\Cr and L1ght Company in Jack ·on, has been selected 8m Centr:ll'' ''Aiumnu of the Year" for 1990. A For~t n:mvc, Hogue, 48. tus prcviou I) 'cr.cd the uulity com– pany in variou public relation' C3p3CIUCS sillC'.C 1979.


Tv.o Ea~t Central gr.1duates dedi· cated to impro' ing the state's educa– uon system have been "elected the commumty college's outstandmg alumm for 1990. The t\" o honorees. Mrs. J o McMullan Ta}lor of Forest and l...arry Hogue of Rowood. will be hono11:d along vo ith other 3\\ :ll'd wmncrs at the school's October 13, 1990 Homecommg luncehon and progr3m !;Chcdulcd on the £k'C3tur c:tmpus. Other honorees include Mrs. Lois Fo~tcr McMullan. selected "Out– st,ID(h ng Academtc Instructor·" Wall.ll:c Keen, who was chos;n "Vocational-Technical Instructor of the Year," and Athletic Hall of Fame inductees Jeff Loper of Decatur Richard Harri~; of Hickory and Sher: rc11 Ra) Mar~hall ofJackson JOTAYLOR Selected as East Central's Alumna of the Ye.ar," Mrs. Jo McMu11an Ta} lor, a Decatur n:uhe tm sco en UlC st }e:tr as prestde~ of the 1isstsstppi School Boards As octauon. Prior to being named to the top spot, Taylor. 42, previously served four yeac on the Associa– tion's Boord of Directors and held the posiuons of vic.c president and ecrctary-treasurcr. Her term as president expires in October 1990. She was also a member of the State Board ofEducation Task Force on Nonparticipation in Extra– Curricular Activities. On the local level, Taylor has

His experience in dealing" ith the public b cxtcn,ive. as he prev1ously served 10 y~:.trs a' Public Rclauons Director for the Mississippi Dep:ll'l- mcnt of EduCJ~tion. two years as / Publil' Rcl:11mns Coordinator for --– Vocational Tlx.hrucal EducatiOn and \ L three years as Public Relations Dt- - ----



rector at \opwh-Lincoln Commun- ily Colkgc in Wesson. Before he began a career m puhlic relations, Hogue was a teacher at CcntrJI Junior High School in B1lox1 And

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