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Haggard selected psychology teacher Dr James Haggard or Louisville has been sele<·led psychology in· struclor at l'~ast Central Communi· ty College in Decatur. announced Dr. Eddte M. Smtth, college prestdem. Dr. HaJ'(gard began his new duties Aug. 27. He prevtously en ed a:. soc1al work a. a counselor– ps)Chologtst "tlh Volunteers of AmPnca. He is a member ol Pin Delta Kap– pa. an ~anizat10n wh1ch promotes edt.:cahon, and is a former member of Rotary and Kiwanb club!).

Dr. Haegard LS a graduate of It- lSStppl College, "here he receh-ed a bachelor's degree m ,ooaJstudi~; ~lhwestern Baptist Th !Qgical Semmary in Ft. Worth, l'exas, 'be.re he rece1\ ed a bachelor o! dh mit. de2ree, master of lhoolri': de<7..ree. master of religious education and doctorate in ps}chology His \\ife, ~rah, teaches first grade at ~oxapater. The Haggards have four ...n children who live in

ps~chology/sociology instructor at Clarke College mNewton He earlier en ed as soc1olog~ tnstruet at

Uni\'ei'Stl~ of Central Arkansa5 lD Conwa~. Ark and Ouachita Bap t Uni-.erstt~ in Arkadelphta, Ark wher hewas also dean ofstu~n· An ordamed mmis-ter, Dr Ha~gard has scned mer 30 ~ea~ n various churches He is also a navv veteran, run-m~ servt'd from 19-\2-46. I-'or several )ears he Y.'OI'keO an

Or James Haggard


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