Selected technology instructor

Cheryl Ann Winstead Cherly Ann Winstead has been selected Electromc Technology instructor at East Central Commum· ty College m Decatur. announced Dr. Eddie M. Smith. coUcge pres•· denL She began her new duue.s on Augustl. Winstead, 30. prevtously served four yuears as a Digil.al Na' agation Tacllcs Specaalist for the Unatcd States Air Force and was suooncd at Elmendorf Air Force Base an Anchorage, AK She carltcr was employed by Gulfo, Inc. in Oklaho– ma City, OK where she worked in the Processor/Diagnostics division. Her duties included establishing data processing procedures, diagnosing system failures and completing repairs. A Leesburg native, Winstead gra– duated from EC in 1990 and was the recipient of the Outstandang ACtuevement Award in Electronic Technology. Her education background is extensive as the Morton High Scholl gxaduate also auendcd Hinds Com– munity College, Mallsap5 College. Ancho.-Je Community College and Coll'munity College of the Air Force. She is the daughLCr of R.G. and Phyllis Winstead who opcmte Win-

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