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New economics/business instructor at ECCC

cam an the lxx>l ol Accounting at MSU. At 1SU, she also o;er\'cd as an offi a tam in the Office of Vice President for Re~h and previous– !~ held the same posiuon in the E.'ttemal Sen ice Program in the Col– legcofVeAOOnat) Medicine. In 'e\\ Orleans, she also taught Eng "h as a ccond language to Sp;t 1 h· peaking adult tudcnlS and ~he sen~ a a consultant for Applied E onomics for Junior Achle\'tmem m lhe public school S)'Stem. Her profc:.~ional affiliations mclude lhe ~cw Orleans Cash Man– agement A octation and "lational C()f'TY ate Marugemcnt Assoctation. S as a memw of FtrSt Baptist 0 r.,hofNcwOrteans. trs. Cl.u.. IS a gr.tdu:H eor Ponto– toc Htgh &.h l and \liSt., where she rcc..: ed bJchelor' and master's degn:u n bJnlong and finance. At \1SU, she was a President's Ltst Scholar and a member of Delta Gamma. a social fraternity, and Financtal Management Association, o;er.·tng both organizations on lhe executive committee. The daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Neal Huslcison of Pomotoc, she is married to Tim Glaze, director of EC's Baptist Student Unson.

Laurie Husklson Glaze Lauric Huskison Glaze bas been selected Economics/Business Admi– ntSt.rar..ion Instructor at East Central Community College, Decatur, announced Dr. Eddie M Smith, col– lege presidenL Gl37..c, 25, began her new dutJc:> on August22. APontotoc ll.'lUve, ~be was previously employed as a bank– ing officer in the Cash Management Department at First National Bank of Commerce in New Orleans. Before moving to New Orclans, Glaze was a graduate research ass1s-

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