y n Scribner named ECCC Vo-Tech counselor

Mrs. Lynn Scrtbner of Union has been selected vocational-technical counselor for handicapped students at East Central Community College tn Decatur, announced Dr. Eddie M Smith, college pre:.ident Mrs. Scribner. a nati,·e of Sturgis. began her nev. duties on July 1. Prior to bemg named to the col– lege post, ::..lte served as guidance counselor at CboclawCentral High School in Philadelphia during the 1989·90 school term. She was prevtously empl~ed at C. E. Han– na EJementarv School tn Oxford, Ala where she served a:. elemen– tary counselor and at oxrord t Alabama ) Middle School, where she was an elementary teacher and eXtended day care teacher. Before moving to Ala., Mrs. Scribner held the title of guidance counselor and director of student ac– tivities from 1983-87 at Holmes Com· munity College in Goodman. Mrs. Scribner is a 1979 graduate oi Sturgis Attendance Center. She continued her educatton at Mississippi State University where she received a bachelor of science degree in physical education and a master's degree m guidance. The former Lynn Fulce, she is

Lynn Scribner

marned lo Mo•gan Scnbner and they have a two ) £'a r old daughter, A1mee. Scribner recent!) compJeted his first year as football coach at Umon High School. The Scnbners are members of F1n;l Bapllst Church m Union.

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