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' '· l . •' ., 'I 1'. ·Couple from Natchez are ~ ;- selected instructors Mr and Mrs. L.B. Bullock of Nat- Truhett of Philadelphia and the late z ha\e been selected instructors at Earl Truhett. Ez.st Central Community College in Mr. Bullock previously served as Decatur. announced Dr. Eddie M. mathematics/computer science teacher , college president. for the Natchez-Adams School 'lrs Bullock (Ann) has been nam- District, a position be has held since _ bus ness technology instructor and 1965· er husband will teach He also served as adjunct faculty themaucs/computer science. member at the Natchez campus loca- Smce 1974 Mrs. Bullock has served tions of Copiah-Lincoln ~om!flunity bu~iness technology instructor at College, Alcorn State UmveTSlty and vvV, ,.,. :....-.~o 1 r' rr J;o no'tacode& 2e:t'wn u \~·::u:.:..,~;.,....,.: JOJ p ' ' : . .. , .. '· . . ,.,, ... ··.•.: . ~ . :. · ·· • 'C Barrier is new East Central instructor Leonard R . Barrier has been selected English instructor at East . Central Community College in ' '( Decatur, announced Dr. Eddie M. J Smith, college president. Barrier, who began his duties · August 17, previously taught at Neshoba Central high school and Jackson College of-Ministries. He has . also served as adjunct instructor for the college, teaching American literature and English composition. The new East Central instructor is . tr' · a graduate of Neshoba Central high · · ~ school, East Central Junior College and Mississippi College, where he received bachelors and masters degrees in English. Barrier has also completed ·additional hours of study at Mississip- pi State University. He is the son of the Rev. and Mrs. · Brown Barrier of Philadelphia. .. j· • • J • ' .. . . • /: , . .. • ' .. . ~ . . .: .. . .I ... . .... 'I . . , I! . APPUUD Ill& SCOft coum TIMBS UMIOMAPPW. WINSTON COUNTY JOUilW. KRIDWI STAI ,I I . x CArriiAGIIWI tlliTOII TIIIUifl RS~IA DDI)CIAT__ IIIIIOM llltlS JOll!:l:JQ :>41 ;o ~aa.
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