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l ' . , . ' ! . : ' EC board members are recognized
Fi"e members of the East Centeral Community CollegeBoard of Trustees recetved special recognition for their ~~plus years of service and were presented plaques of appreciation at :.be Board's August meeting. The East Central trustees, along ~ ~th other community / junior college v~ilcials throughout the state, were in– thally honored at the annual MlSStssippi Community and Junior College Trustees' Association Con- ference held earlier in Biloxi. Those honored and years of service include Prentice Copeland of P .iladelphia, 22; A.F. fielHngswtlrtfi o; Lake, 20; Lester Rigd6n of Union, l'i. ~lrs. Joyce Harrision of Forest a!'ld Sam Bounds of Lawrence, 11 e:.tch. In other matters, recently hired in– 'tructors Mr. and Mrs. L.B. Bullock of • ·atchez were special guests during the Board's noon luncheon held in :.!abry Cafeteria. ~Irs. Bullock has been employed as usiness technology instructor and .. "lr . Bullock will serve as mathematics 1 computer science in– ::~lruclor. Mrs. Bullock, a Philadelphia native, has served In the same capacity at the Natchez campus of Copiab– - Lincoln Community College since 1974. Mr. Bullock, a native of Collins, was previously mathematics 1 computer science instructor for the Natchez– Adams County School .Cistrict, a posi– tion he had held since 1965. ~ Prior to the monthly meeting, board .. chairman Henry B. "Bubba" Hudspeth of Louisville announced to the group colJege president .Cr. Eddie M. Smith has been presented a LeadershipMedallionwhich is award– ed by college presidents from across the nation in recognition of outstan– ding fellow presidents. :\'ft.ard recipients were honored at :.he Leadership 2000 conference held .;!1 San Francisco and attended by over : 100 college presidents , board --""'- __ ,.~ .,,."""';,...;~t-,..otn..-c: lrnm
sound financial management and a firm control on ca sh flow to keep the institutiOn a viable organization." In the area of policies and pro- cedures, the Board approved the col– lege's organization chart and gave permission for Lady Warrior coach Sammy Pace to live off-campus in the .Cecatur area. Because of his position, Pace was previously required to live in campus housing. Concerning personnel, the Board accepted the resignation of cosmetology instructor l\1rs. .Cot Keen '\vhich became effective August 11, 1989. Approval was ~!so given to The Board also approved the transfer of English instructor Mrs. Carrie Ann Alford who has been nam– ed Related Studies instructor at the Philadelphia-Neshoba County Vo– Tech Center, which the college operates, effective August 1, 1989. Following the release of a position opening announcement concerning the English instructor vacancy, the Board hired Leonard Barrier as the new teacher. Mr. Barrier previously taught at Neshoba Central High School and has also served as an adjunct instructor for the colJege. The trustees later gave approval to extend efforts to fill the cosmetology· instructor position until August 31, 1989 so as to allow the search commit– tee sufficient time to locate additional qualified minority race applicants. In the area of instruction, the Board agreed for the college to offer Adult Basic Education programs in Leake, Neshoba and Newton counties with a total operating budget of $37,969.30, of which 88 percent is federalJy funded. .Cr. Brad Tucker, dean of instruc– tion, gave reports on the following: Upward Bound Program (which had 19 participants), Kids' College enroll– ment (85 students enrolled in classes) , release a position opemng announce– ment to hire a new instructor.
The trustees also gave approval for the college to dispose of surplus pro– perty by holding a public auction Saturday, September 9, 1989. The Board heard a report from Mr. Trapp concerning status of college in– ve~tments. The business manager sa1d funds will be deposited with the higher bidder, Citizens Bank of Philadelphia in Union, with the in- terest rate being 8.95 percent. The Board also gave approval for the college to continue its contract with Carleton Oil Company, Inc. of Union to supply petroleum products during the fiscal year. Unleaded regular gasoline will be provided at $.6420 per gallon with diesel fuel pric– ed at $.6020 per gallon. Also receiving approval is the Stu– dent Support Services budget for the period September 1, 1989 to August 31, 1990. The program's budget is set at $87,858.00. Bids were approved for the follow– ing: chartered bus transportation for the 1989 football season, G.B. Lee Travel Services, Mobile, Alabama, $2,621.00; athletic insurance coverage for 1989-90, Mid-West National Life In– surance Company, Water Valley, $13,200.00 annual premium for primary coverage with a $250.00 deductible; printing of student newspaper for 1989-90, Neshoba .Ce~pcrat; .Philaaelphia; printing of athletic program for 1989-90, Millhouse Pr inting Company, .Cecatur, $3,542.00; printing of alumni magazine, News Publishing Com– pany, Waynesboro, $1,931.28; and dor– mitory bedding, with Meridian Mat– tress and Mississippi Bedding Com– pany in Jackson being low bidder for various bedding. In the area of building and grounds, the Board approved the revised niaster site plan for East Central Community College and heard status reports on House Bill 3 Repair and Renovation Project and .Cormitory Renovation Project, which nears ..
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