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ECCC announces 1989- 1990 personnel changes
East Central Community Col– lege has announced several person– nel changes for the 1989-1990 school year. At its recent meeting the school board accepted the res– ignation of Bill Day, who served as video production technology instructor for the Mississippi Band of Choctaw Indians, and approved the employment of new instructor Mark Murray, effective June 5-30, 1989 and July 1-Dccembcr 31, 1989. Murray, a Clinton native, is a graduate of Clinton High School, Hmds Junior College, Mississippi State University-where he •...ccivcd a degree in general busi– ne s administration-and the Uni– ver 1ty of Southern Mississippi, w .ere he recently received a liber– al arts degree with major emphasis m radio, television and film. He Ius vtdeotapcd and edited numer– ous events over the past two years. The board also approved the extension of separate contracts for Wallace Keen, electronic tcchnolo– £) tnstructor, and Richard Clark, machine shop instructor, for one n.onth so they can work on prog– ram planning. The trustees also approved the transfer of Keen to the pos1tion of Automated Manu– facturing Technology instructor (conti ngent upon program approval). The board approved the release
of position opening announcements for a child care technology instruc– tor, electronic technology instruc– tor, related studies instructor at the Neshoba County Yo-Tech Center, and vo-tech counselor for hand– icapped and other students. Also approved for employment were L.B. Bullock, as mathematics/computer science instructor; Dr. Jeffrey Smith, Engl– ish instructof;and Thomas Forten– berry, as computer programmer, analyst and operator. Since 1965, Bullock has served as mathematics/computer science teacher for the Natchez-Adams School District He has served as adjunct faculty member for the Natchez campus of Copiah-Lincoln Community College, teaching mathematics and computer science since 1973. Bullock also has work– ed as adjunct faculty member since 1978 at the Natchez campus of Alcorn State University. Bullock is a graduate of Collins High School, Jones County Junior College, the University of South– em Mississippi (B.S. degree in mathematics) and Mississippi State University, where he received a master's in mathematics. He has also completed additional studies in math/education/computer sci– ence at USM and computer science See PERSONNEL p. SB
at Jackson State University. Dr. Smith, a native of Montrose, has served as English instructor at Louisiana State University since 1981 . He is a graduate of Jones Coun– ty Junior College, the University of Southern Mississippi (B.S. in English), and Louisiana State Uni– versity, where he earned master's and Ph.D. degrees in English. Before accepting a position at ECCC, Fortenberry served as data processing supervisor at the Mol– pus Company. He attended East Central Community College and Meridian Junior College, and cur– rently is pursuing a B.S. degree in accounting at the Meridian branch of Mississippi State University.
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