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Tl1e Second Time Around.. .
dent at East Central, she worked as secretary to the Vocational-Technical Division and as student secretary to Dr. L.O. Todd. At the University of Mississippi, she was Faculty Housing Secretary. In her job at Ole Mbs, Jessie was in charge for housing for the entire University. In 1951, Jessie Mae Stewart married another East Central graduate, James B. Everett. Bobby was in ser– vice, and be and Jessie spent three years in the military before they returned to Ole Miss for Bobby to enter the School of Law. During this stay at Ole Miss, Jessie held down a job, took care of a new baby son, com– pleted a Master 's Degree, and did a great deal of typ– ing for her husband. In fact, among the diplomas which hang on her office wall is a degree titled "Put– ting Hubby Through." Jessie's connection to East Central has now passed into the second generation. Her son, Dr. T. Keith Everett, an ophthalmologist in Meridian and her daughter, Mrs. Lisa Lucovich, a pharmacist, are both graduates of East Central. Occasionally, one will find Jesste's three grandchildren, Stewart, Jessica and John, \\alkmg with their grandmother on the East
By OVID VICKERS In September of 1956 she opened the door to a classroom tn the Business Department at East Cen– tral Junior College and began a career that has now spanned more than thirty years. At graduation on May 12, 1989, Jessie Mae Everett will put on her academic cap and gown to march for the last time as a member of the East Central Community College faculty. "v1iss Jessie is retiring, not because she has reached retirement age but because she has taught for a good– ly number of years and there are some other things she wants to have time to enjoy such as traveling, reading, grandchildren, and her home. Throughout most of her adult life, Jessie has been involved with East Central in one way or another. After graduating from Bond High School in Nesboba County, she entered East Central as a freshman in 1947. In 1949, with an AA Degree from East Central 10 hand, Jessie entered the University of Mississippi where she received a Bachelor of Science in Commerce in 1951 and a Master of Business Education in 1956. Jessie dtd not enter the teaching profession\\ ithout practical experience in the business world. While a stu-
teacher retires Central campus.
nus of the Year in 1977. She received the Alumni Association's Distinguished Faculty Award for 1985-86. When Jessie began teaching at East Central, Mr. J. Wallace Bedwell was Chairman of the Business Department, and Mr. Charles Pennington was also a member of the Department. Both of these outstanding teachers are now deceased. Today there is a host of very capable people in the business world who receiv– ed their training under Bedwell, Pennington, and Everett. Jessie points with pride to her former students all over the state who have become imminently suc– cessful to the business world . To show its appreciation for this outstanding alum– nus and dedicated member of the facult}', East Cen– tral will honor Mrs. Jessie Mae Everett \\ith a recep– tion in the home of the President, Dr. Eddie M. Smith, on May 11, at 7:30 p.m. Jessie Everett may be closing the door to her classroom, but she will continue to maintain a keen interest in the progress made at East Central, for as she often says, "This is where my heart is."
Believing that professional people should hold membership in professional organizations and also be active members, Jessie has served as president of the local chapter of D~lta Kappa Gamma, a society com– posed of outstandtng women teachers. She also serv– ed as State President of Delta Kappa Gamma from 1985 to 1987 and in 1989 received the organization's coveted "Outstanding Woman of Achievement" at the state convention. In 1985, she was presented a lifetime membership n Delta Pi Epsilon the honorary business fraternity, and she has been a member of the Mississippi Associa– .•On of Educators for 33 years. In civic organizations Jessie is a past district presi– dent of the Mississippi Federation of Women's Clubs v. as the recipient of the Decatur Exchange Club'~ Golden Deeds Award in 1969, and was Clubwoman of the Year, Teacher of the Year, and District Presi– dent of the Year in the Mississippi Federated Women's Clubs. At East Central, she has been president of the Facul– ty Association, and was voted East Central's Alum-
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