\-lEEK OF ~ i
East Central loses two key South Division showdowns
From special reports
Jamie Clark's password for Monday was frustration. No other word could be a5 appropriate for the East Central Community College baseball coach after he saw his Warriors drop a weather-delayed makeup doubleheader to Southwest 4-3 and 6-4 in Summit. "Do you realize we went from being tied for first place down to fourth place in just a matter of a few pitches?" Clark asked after East Central fell to 8-8 overall and 3-3 in the South Conference. The Bears went to 10-5 and :t-2. "The most frustrating thing about it is that we drive all the way down there and waste some good pitching, " Clark said...We didn't get enough runs to help the pitching out because Southwest can sw– ing the bats \ltith anybody.·· In each game, the victory was in the Warriors' grasp and they could not hold on. "In the first game, we were tied 3·3 in the seventh inning and we sent in our best reliever, Brian Senn," Clark said. " They hit three straight bullets off of him to win the game. '' Guy Gatlin, Sean ~eaux and John White ripped consecutive hits off the relie\'er. White's hit ended in a throw to home plate, which Gatlin beat for the winning run. The Bears took a 2·1 first-inning lead in the se– cond game \\hen Jay Simpson hit the first pitch over the wall for his se..·enth homer of the year. One out later, Gatlin put a Homer in the same spot. The Warriors still had a ~hot at winning the con· test, though. Three 5eeond-inning runs gave East Central a 4-2 lead which lasted until the fifth. "We had two outs. White was coming up and we sent
ICC. Brian Bunn had three hits. The Indians outhit the Wru·– riors 9-4 in the nightcap and scored all of their runs in a 5-run second inning. Rick Collier < 1·1) earned the win, while John Mark WHlimns (2·1 > absorbed the loss. East Central's Donald Culber– son hit a home run . Fit\1 Gnmr ITAWA'\18,\ ............... • .172 II- 12 12 ~ E.\ST CENTRAL........... ......000 00 o ~ Vic Armstrong and Bnan l:lunn; Grf'g Srmlh David Hubbard 121. Ben Kitchens C31 and Ual< Rudley WP -Armstrong 12-{11. LP- Grt>gSmllh lo-21. ZB - ICC. James Bclevms 311 - !\'one Home Run.\- ICC. Rick Collit>r Nt'AI Rol~rso 1 1\tulllplt Hie.- Brian Bunn Ill. Ibck CQibcr 121 Jame:; Bel\'ins 121, Bruce Hamrtono <2) Second Gamr ITA\\ AMBA. .. ... .. •.... 050 000 0-5 9 4 F.\ ST CESTRAL... ....... OI:l 000 0 3 4 J lUck Collier, Butch Thompson and Kt>vm Cobb John Mark Wilhams. Brian 5<-un (21 and Scott Allen WP - Collier 11·1). I.P- Wilhams 12 11 28- ECCC, Joey Boykin, Scott Allen, ICC.'f<'H) Weaver 38-None. Homt' Run~-~;:ccc. l>ouald Cull><·l'llon l\1u1Uple Uits - ECCC, J()(•y Buykin; IC'C, Scott Burleson
ITAWAl\IBA 12-5, EAST CENTRAL 0-3: Itawamba Community College swept both ends of a doubleheader from East Central Saturday by winn· ing the opener 12-0 and the nightcap 5-3. The Indians run their record to 11·6·1, while the Warriors dip to 8-6. East Central will be on the road Monday at Southwest and the Warriors will host Clarke Col· lege Tuesday. Itawamba used a 7-run second inning to win the opener as Vic Armstrong, 2..0, picked up the win on four hits as his teammates pounded out 12 hits. Neal Robertson hit a grand– slam home run to highlight the Indians' attack. Rick Collier had a solo blast for
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