EC splits with Hinds, Jones Sophomore Tuttie Edwards tallied 21 points and led East Central Community College's Lady Warriors to an easy 76-61 South Division win over Hinds Community College Thursday night. The EC men were not as for t unate a s t h ey were outscored 114-79. The division contests were played on Hinds' Utica campus. After their loss, the Warriors dropped to 5-8 overall and are also 1-1 in division play. East Central squads will closeout 1989 competition by journeying to Nor thwest Com– munity College for a Friday, December 15 non-division mat– chup. East Central will resume action following the Christmas holiday break J anuary 6 by t raveling to Monroev ille, Alabama and challeng ing Patrick Henry Junior College. Besides E dwa rds, other scorers in the Lady Warriors' With t he win, the East Cen– tral women improved to an 8-1 overall mark. The Lady War– riors are 1-1 in league competi– tion.
win over Hinds were Ursela Lowe, 16; Carolyn Boatman, 13; Paula Nash, 11; Kathy McDougle, 5; Sadie Triplett and Jackie Glandey, 4 each. Freshman Tyrone Stowers led the Warrior pointmakers with 20. Also scoring were Michael James 14: Tra\'ic:: Watkins and Charlie Donner– son, 9 each; Terry Thames and Mark Gates, 7 each; Eric Mayes, 6; and Tyron Bender, 5; and Kelvin Young, 2.
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