ast Central defeats Clarke College 102-73 thesr first action following the sgiving hohday break, the t Central Community College zrnor "\\ere outscored by visiting c Henry Junior College of nroeville, Alabama 95-82 ~mber 29 and earlier blasted College'-; junior varsity Tyrone Stowers, 12 each; Terry Thames, seven; Michael James, six; Eric Mays, four; and Lonnie Ander– son, two. RESULTS FROM JONES TOURNAMENT The Warriors, led by Mark Gates' 24 points, defeated Clarke College 102-73 November 21 and were outscored 92-87 by Bishop State on November 20.
Bender, seven; and Kel\1n \ o six. East Central led 52 3-t .tt halfi Against Bishop Sta·e. \\a pointmakers were S o er , Gates, 15; Bender; 14; Jam~. 1 Donnerson, nine; Young. eve Mays, six; and Watkiru., tive. The score was deadlocked 42~ at the break.
Besides Gates, other EC scorers in the win over Clarke were Travis Watkins, 14; Tyrone Stowers, 13; Eric Mays, Terry Thames and Charlie Donnerson, 10 each; M1chad Jame~. eight; Tyrone
Prior to the Thanksgiving break, the East Central men participated in a tournament held at Jones County Junior College November 20-21.
92-76 November 27 in Mem– Following their loss to the 9-1 Henry team, the East Ceo– men dropped to 4-7 under first– • bead coach Jay Bowen. undefeated Lady Warriors 1ed by Sammy Pace, were idle have not seen action since ~nng East Mississippi 87-71 ber 18m the Brackeen-Wood ""'rn.-J Education Building. Bom EC squads are scheduled to South Division competition ) , December 4 by hosting County Junior College. en\ action begins at 6:00 while r a) begins at 7:45. ' O'le Sto\\ers led the Warrior a~a nst Patrick Henry as the Cent al graduate pumped in pomt Aho sco nng were el James, 18; Eric Mays, II ; '\ oung and Charlie Donner- rune each; Travis Watkim. Terry Thames, ssx; and ,...,_,_ Bender, four. :a r c Henr> led 48-39 at -'-- .& A.PPW!D Ilf: CAITHAGIRI.U SCOTT ~um TIM!S___ _ Klt'l'OW ni!trr=E::.---- X!SIK>BA DEMOCUT Pmt'TOlf RECORD tnfiOR APPEAL WINSTOH· COUNTY::"""=J~OU~RKAL~ ----
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