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Wa rriors down Rhodes In their first action following the Thanksgiving holiday break, the East Central Com– munity College Warriors were outscored by visiting Patrick Henry Junior College of Monroeville, Alabama 95·82 November 29 and earlier blasted Rhodes College's junior varsity squad 92·76 November 27 in Memphis. Following their loss to the 9-1 Patrick Henry team, the East Central men dropped to 4·7 under first-year head coach Jay Bowen. were idle and have not seen ac· tion since defeating East Mississippi 87·81 in the Brackeen-Wood Physical Education Building. Both EC squads are schedul– ed to being South Division competition Monday, December 4 by hosting Jones County Junior College. \\'omen's action begins at 6:00 while men's play starts at 7:45. Tyrone Stowers led t he War· rior- attack against Patrick Henry as the Scott Central graduate pumped in 19 points. Also scoring were Michael James. 18; Eric Mays, 11; Kelvin Young and Charlie Don– nerson, nine each; Travis Watkins, seven; Terry Thames, six; and Tyrone Bender, four. Patrick Henry led 48·39 at halftime. Kelvin Young led the War· riors in their win over Rhodes College as he had a 20-point ef· fort. Other pointmakers were Tyrone Bender, 17; Charlie Donnerson, Mark Gates and Tyrone Stowers, 12 each; Terry ' Thames, seven; Michael James, six; Eric Mays, four; and Lonnie Anderson, two. Results from Jones Tournament The undefeated Lady \Var– riors (7·0). led by Sammy Pace.
Prior to the Thanksgivipg break, the East Central ·tnen participated in a tournament held at Jones County Junior College November 20·21. • \. The Warriors, led by Mark Gates' 24 points, def~Ged Cla rke College lO ~r~~& November 21 and wer~ outscored by Bishop Stat~ pn November 20. ~ Besides Gates, other ~(; scorers in the win over Clar~e were Travis Watkins, ~4; Tyrone Stowers, 13; E~;fc Mays, Terry Thames aJXI Charlie Donnerson, 10 ea.clh Michael James, eight; Tyrone Bender, seven; and Kelvm Young, six.
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