WEEK OF ------
EC's Lady Warriors are perfect East Central Community Col- Shea Oakley and Paula Nash, each lege's Lady Warriors won their fifth with 10 points; Lisa Stephens, nine; straigbt contest against no 106ses as Shontel Lowe, eight; ·Kathy they easily defeated visiting M'llry McDougle, seven; Beverly Ware, Holmes J 19-82 in the Brackeen- six; Ashley Harkins, five; Kristy Wood Physical Education lluilding Holland, Victoria Banks, Tonya Friday night~ • ~towers and Marcell Gray, four The Warriors ·rallied from a each.
Triplett, eight each; Shea Oakley,: six; Ashley Harkins, Paula Nash and Lisa Stephens, four each; Tonya Stowers and Beverly Ware, two each. East Central men who tallied against East Mississippi included Eric Mays, 14; Tyrone Stowers, 12; Michael James, II; Terry Thames, nine; Travis Watkins and Mark Gates, eight each; Kelvin Young, seven; Tyrone Bender, three; Charlie Donnerson and Jason Johnson, two each.
IS-point first half deficit but the.r · · Tyrone Bender and Kelvin Young efforts .fell just short as they were paced the Warriors in scoring edged b}"71-69 by the Mary Holmes against Mary Holmes as they each men and s.uffered their fourJh loss t-allied 14 points. on the young season. Other EC pointmakers were In games this week~ East Central Travi~ Watkins and Charlie Donner– squads will journey to Holmes . son, nine each; Mark Gates and Community College in Goodman Michael James, six each; Tyrone Thursday, Nov~er 16. and wiil Stowers, five; Eric Mays and Terry host East Mississippi teams Satur- Thames, three each. day, November 18. Game times are In action Thursday against 6:00· and 7:45. The Warriors will Lawson State, Lady Warrior scorers participate in a tournament at Jones were Kathy McDougle, 13; Shontel Junior College scheduled November Lowe, 10; Tuttie Edwards and Kris- 20-21. ty Holland, nine each; Marcell Gray Under fifth-year coach Sammy and Beverly, Wart, eight each; Lisa ~Pifce, fM EO women have' posted· ' Stephtns 'a,n_d..Snea .Pl!J A.PPE.UED IN: CARTHAGINIAN.____ MORTON TRIBUTE ........___ NESHOBA DEMOCRAT NEWTON RECORD SCOTT COUNTY TIMES____ UNION APPEAL WINSTON · COUN~TY~J~O~URNAL~ ·--- MERIDIAN STAR_____ ----
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