ECCC Basketball Begins November 2
(6'4") of Gosnell. AR and Lonnie Anderson (6'3'') of Lake; and play– mg forward and/or center positions will be Mark Gates (6'6'') of Dou– glasville, GA, Michael James (6'8'~ of Gary, IN.
East Central Community College 1will begin basketbaU action Nov. 2 with both squads participating in an invitational tournament scheduled Nov. 2-3 at East MS Community College in Scooba. Regular season action starts Mon– day, Nov. 6, when theLady Warriors and Warriors again travel to the Scooba campus and take on EastMS squads. East Central will compete before its flrst home crowdduring an invita– tional tourney scheduled Nov. 9-10 in theBrackeen-Wood Physical Edu– cation Building. Led by fifth-year head coach Sam– my Pace, the Lady Warriors feature two returnees from last season's 18-8 squad which captured South Division championship honors. The EC women also placed fourth in the Overall State Tournament and fin– ished third in Region 23 Tournarnent action.
Returning squad members include forwards Tuttie Edwards, a 5'10" graduate of Jonesboro-Hodge High School in Jonesboro, LA and Sadie Triplett, a 5'10" graduate of Lousi– villeHigh School. Also on the roster is 5'6" Victoria Banks of Morton who returns to the squad following a year's absence. Freshman players include Carolyn Boatman, a 5'10" forward/center, Marcell Gray, a 5'7'' guard, and Pau– la Nash, a 5'11" guard/forward, all of Carthage; Jackie Gladney, a 5'7" guard and Shea Oakley, a 5'11" for– ward, both ofLousiville; Ashley Harkins, a 5'7" guard from Leake Acadmey; Kathy McDougle, a 5'5" guard from Union; Lisa Stephens, a 5'11" for– ward from Sebastopol; Tonya Stow– ers, a 5'8" guard from Scott Central; Beverly Ware, a 5'9" forward from Forest; Kri~ty Holland, a 5'7" guard from Jonesboro, LA, and Ursela Lowe, a 6'0" center from Alexandri– a,LA. Ftrst-year head coach Jay Bowen has one returnee from last year's squad which posted a 6-17 overall mark. Kelvin Young, a 6'3" guard from Pbilade_lphia, is the lone "senior" member for the Warrior team which includes 10freshmen players. Ftrst-year team members include guards Travis Watkins (6'1'') of Lake; Terry Thames (6'1") of Beu– lah Hubbard; Tyrone Bender (6'3") of Louisville; and Eric Mays (5'10") of Gosnell, AR. Forwards are Jason Johnson (6'5'') of Louisville; Tyrone Stowers (6'5") of Forest; Charlie Donnerson
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