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EC basketball action starts East Central Basketball Schedule
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Returning squad members include forwards Tut tie E d– wards, a 5'10" graduate of Jonesboro-Hodge High School in J onesboro, Louisiana, and Sadie T r iplett, a 5 ' 10 " gradua te of Louisville High School. Also on the roster is 5'6" Victoria Banks of Morton who returns to the squad following a year's absence. Freshman players include Carolyn Boat– man, a 5' 10" forward/center, Marcell Gray, a 5'7" guard, and Paula Nash,. a 5'11" guard/forward, all of Carthage; Jackie Gladney, a 5' 7" guard and Shea Oakley, a 5' 11" for– ward, both of Louisville. Ashley Harkins, a-- 5 '7" guard from Leake Academy; Kathy McDougle a 5'5" guard from Union; Lisa Stephens, a 5 ' 11 " forward froiP Sebastopol; Tonya Stowers, a 5'8" guard from Scott Central; Beverly Ware, a 5'9 " guard from Jonesboro, Louisiana, and Ursela Lowe, a 6'0" center from Alexandria, Louisiana.
East Cent ral Community College will begin basketball action November 2 with both squads participa ting in an in– vitational tournament schedul– ed November 2-3 at East Mississippi Community Col– lege in Scooba. Regula r season action starts Monday, November 6, when the Lady Warriors and War– riors again travel to the Scooba campus and take on East Cen– tral squads. East Central will compete before its first home crowd dur– ing an invitational tourney scheduled November 9-10 in the Brackeen-Wood Physical Education Building. Led by fifth-year head coach Sammy Pace, the Lady War– riors feature two returnees from last season's 18-8 squad which captured Sout h Division championship honors. The East Central women also plac– ed foruth in the Overall State Tournament and finished third in Region 23 Tournament ac- ltion.
Scooba Scooba Scooba Decatur Decatur Goodman Decatur . Ellisville Ellisville Memphis, TN Decatur Decatur Utica Senatobia Monroeville, AL
East Miss.(Tournament) East Miss.(Tournament)
Thursday Nov. 2
Nov. 3 Nov. 6
East Miss.
East Centrai(Tournament) East Centrai(Tournament)
Thursday Nov. 9
Nov. 10
Thursday Nov. 16 Saturday Nov. 18
East Miss.
Jones(Tournament(Men Only) Jones(Tournament(Men Only) Rhodes College(Men Only) Patrick Henry Jr. College
Nov. 20
Tuesday Nov. 21
Nov. 27
Wednesday Nov. 29
*Jones *Hinds
Dec. 4
Thursday Dec. 7
Dec. 15
Patrick Henry Jr. College
Jan. 6 Jan. 9
Saturday Tuesday
Decatur Decatur Rerkinston Decatur Wesson ~ Ellisville Decatur West Point Summit Decatur Poplarville
Mary Holmes *Southwest *Gulf Coast • Pearl River
Thursday Jan. 11
Jan. 15
• Thursday Jan. 18
*Copiah Lincoln
Jan. 22
*Jones *Hinds
Thursday Jan. 25
Jan. 29
Mary Holmes *Southwest *Gulf Coast *Pearl River
Thursday Feb. 1
Feb. 5
Thursday Feb. 8
Feb. 12
Decatur Wesson
Thursday Feb. 15 *Copiah Lincoln Mon.-Thurs. Feb. 19·22 South Division Tournament Mon.-Thurs. Feb. 26·27 State Tournament Mon.-Thurs. March 5-8 Region XXIII Tournament
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