\fEEK OF f'/1,, ..., .(}, 17 5q
East Central Community College presents annual sports awards
rm Gray, Lake, best defensive pl_ayer ; _and Shannon LaFargue, Kmder H1gh School, Kinder, LA and Joe McGowan, Oxon Hill High School. Oxon Hill, MC, team co-captain. · Basketball awards were presented by Lady Warrior coach Sammy Pace In baseball, award winn er s preented by Coach Jamie Clark m: e luded Joey Boykin , W i n ~ton Ac~demy, best offensive player ; Br1an Senn, Cemopolis, AL most outstanding_pitcher and most i~prov ed ; and Ke1lh McGee, morton, most valuable player Coach Joe Clark presented awards for most outstanding tennis and golf team members which went to l\lark Amis of L'ecalur and B.M. Hailey of Louisville, respectively.
head coach and ass1stants Tony Triplett and .John Russell. In women's basketball, honors went to Stephanie Cassel, Grawood Chris– tian School. Shreveport. LA, Sp1rit Awa rd; Sadie Tn plell. Lou1sville, most 1mpro\ ed; eeborah Blaylock, Sebaslopol. best defensive player , Umeki Edwards, Jonesboro-Hodge high school. JonL>sboro, LA, best of fens1ve playet; Faye ~lcConald, Car– thage. most \'aluable player; and Penn) Graham, Sebastopol, team captam Awards for men' basketball were presented to StephE.'n Gamey, Union, most 1mpro\l~d , Terr.> GrCJy. Lake, Sp1r1t Award . Patnck Stribling, .:\eshoba Central, most valuablE' pla}er and best of£eOSI\C pla)er ; Car ·
Awards for top a theletes in football, basketball, baseball, tennis and golf were presented at the East Central Community College All-Sports Ban· quet recenUy held on campus Those receiving football awards in· eluded Carnell Brown, most outstan– ding offensive back ; Alvin Mullins, Tuscaloosa. AL, most outstanding of– fensive lineman ; Tim Cavis, also of Tuscaloosa, most outstanding defen– Sive back; Chris White, Morton, most valuable player, team co-captain and most outstanding defensive lineman; Scottie McLaren, Griffin, GA, most outstanding spcc1al teams player; and Steven parker, 1\oxapater, An– drew F. Webb Memorial Award. Football awards were presented by A J Kilpatrick. athlellc coordinator-
Receives sports awards Lad) Warriors."ho recei\.ed :l'l~ards ~I the Eas~ <;entral Communit) College All-Sports Banquet included, from left, Penny Graham, Seb~st~pol, tea~ captam; l!mekll:.d\\ ard::., Jont'"•boro·llodge High School, Jonesboro, LA, best offen· l't' player; Stephame C~!'sel: Gra\\ood Chmtian ~b1 I " ~"'PQrJ. 1..\, -.pirit a\\ard: and SadiP Triplelt, Louis\-illl' o,t unprO\ed pla)tl' "\vl pu.turcd are Ueborah Bla) lolk, "'l'ba topol. be'>l defen.,ive pla\'er: and F <>•·- .. - arthage. most valuable pla)er. - APPEARED IN :
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