ECCC COLLEGIANS TO PERFORM. The campus of East Central Community College in Decatur will once again be "rocking and rollin" when the Collegians, the school's vocal-instrumental pop group, bold their spring campus concert which begins at 8 p.m. Monday, April 24 in Huff Auditorium. The talented student musicians will perform selections by such artists as U2, Debbie Gipson, Poison, Tone-Loc, and many other popular performers. Admission to the concert is free. Group members include, seated, from left, Charla McFarland, born, and Tracy Wilkerson, vocals, both of eshoba Central; Tammitha Worley, vocals, Union; Jennie Walsh, vocals, Morton; and Ke\in Weeks, \ocals, l'oxapater; standing, from left, Jerry Dukes, vocals, Forest; Tara Vandevender, keyboard, Union; Duane Richardson, bass, Philadelphia; Jason Hisaw, trumpet, Louisville, Brent Warren, trumper, Morton; Donnie Montgomery, guitar and John Holland, drums, both of Neshoba Central; Ardy Reed, vocals, Louis\ille; Jeffrey Winstead, trombone, Neshoba Central and techni– cians Robert Ferguson, Choctaw Central; Leonard Nelson, Lake and Gem Harrison, Carthage. Not pictured are technicans Brent Rigdon, Lake; and guitarist Thomas W. Carson \\hO also serves as director. (EC Photo)
PRESENT ECCC ALUMNI MEMORIAL AWARD. Alumni Memorial Awards, presented during the :Awards Day activities recently held at East Central Community College, went to, seated, from left, Ste,en Parker, Noxapater, Andrew F. Webb (football); Tammy Kirkland, Neshoba Central, Billy Wayne Baucum (secondary education); Wade Scott, Leake Academy, Danny R. Killens (engineering); Amy Langford, ~'lorton, Dr. Edwin Miller (medical services); Penny Graham, Sebastopol, Earline Wood (women's basketbam; stand– ing, from left, Janis Vance, Decatur, Opal McMullan Dickinson (elementary education); Robin Webb, Mor– ton, Sara Carr Deaton (business technology-one year); Doreen Ryals, Neshoba Central, Sue Yarbrough FuJg– h..m (speech); Leigh Ann Russell, Union, W.A. Coursey, Jr., (engineering); John Miller, Neshoba Central, William S. Giffin (men's intramural); and Phil Duncan, Leake Academy, Jack B. Mayo (Phi Theta Kappa).
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