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GIRL SCOUTS VISIT ECCC CLASS. The members of Decatur Girl Scout Troop 88 recently received an early dose of college training as they visited the computer technology center at East Central Community College as part of badge requirements. participants included, seated from left. Ruth Royston, Christy Pierce, Eli1.abetlt Dickerson, Lana Chamblee; standing, from left, Grace Dickerson and Sarah Dellaria, scout leaders; Kristen Comans, Aliena Buntyn, Jenn) Horton, ~icole A\erett, Trista Dickerson, Kristi Jones, East Central computer technology instructor Mrs. Sara Griffin, Am) Dellaria and Jennifer Pace. (EC Photo)
BSU EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. Members of the Baptist Student Union at East Central Community College recently elected its Executive Council for the 1989-90 school year. Council members include, seated, from left. Rossetta Howard, campus outreach chairman, Noxapater; Teresa Monk, secretary and Candie Beckham, social chairman, both of Edinburg; Lisa Hatcher, president, Nanih Waiya; standing, from left, Alice Fairley, hostess; Chris Edward, publicity chairman, Philadelphia; Phillip Pope, fine arts chairman, Neshoba Central; Johnny Beaver, worship chairman, Scott Central, Kim Pierce, missions chairman, Decatur and Tim Glaze, BSU director. (EC Photo) IH:.::>I1VOH UJ:.J'lVv!\.n.L___ NEHTON RECORD I1ERIDIAN STAR
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