Attends meeting In observa.nce of National Community College Month. the!.e l':a~t Central Communi!) Collt>ge officials and students recently met on campus to discuss the man)' opportunihe~ and programs and :.tud~ a\ailable at ECCC. Pictured are, from left, Dr. Brad Tucker, Dean of Instruction ; Daryl 81'0\\n, :\ewton: \latt Alford. Forest ; Coach A.J. Kilpatrick ; P enny Crawford, Philadelphia ; J amie Shepherd, Carthage: llr Eddie :\1. Smith, Pre!>ident ; Kimberly Hobby, Louisville: and Dr . Phil Sutphin, Dean of Students. For further information about the college, plt'ase contact the Direc– tor of Admissions, Records, and Research, Ea t Central Conununil) College. Dl't•a tur. l\1issis~ippi 39327, Phone 635-2111.
Wo-He-Lo staff "tudents who serve on the East Central Community College Wo-He-Lo (yearbook>starr for 1988-89 include, seated, from left, Business Manager Michelle Lawrence, Pisgah ; Editor Heather Weidler and Associate Editor Robin Milling - both of Decatur: standing, from lert, staff members Joe Chesney, Beulah Hubbard; Teresa 1\lonk, Candie Beckham, and Shelia Thornton, all of Edinburg; and J ohnny Beaver, Scott Central. Mrs. Carol Vickers serves as sponsor.
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