l.JEEK OF -------
Invitation to seniors These East Centro
Pictured ore, from left Mike Chamb liss, Louisville; Bodie Copeland , Newton; leslie Holl – ingsworth, lake; Paula Nosh, Carthage; and Reed Kilpatrick, Neshoba Central. For further informa– tion about "Senior Night, " please contact the Dean of Students office, East Central Community College, Decatur, Mississippi 39327 or Phone 635-2111, extension 204. (EC Photo)
students , along with odm and other students exte all district seniors to vis t
ing "Senior N1ght" ochv • es March 28. Many activities ore and entertain the v•s 1t10g se Neshobo, Newton, Scott end EC senior High school seniors rrom Leake, Neshoba, Newton Scott, and Winston counties have been extended a special invitation to attend the ann al East Central Community Col– lege "Senior Night" act;vitie:: scheduled Tuesday, March 28. Dean of Students Dr Phil Sutphin said festivities will begin at 1:30 p.m. as the Dia– mond Warrio ~ entertain county-rival Clarke College in double-header action. Dr. Sutphin said registration for the senior campus visitors begins at 4 p.m. in front of I'IUIUUJ~ fK1l:WNE NESHOBA Dill10CRAT__ NEIVTON RECORD
ight March 28 Huff Auditorium.
pus facilities and learn more about East Cent•al Communi– ty College. The day's auivities will be concluded with an outside dance scheduled from 8:00 to 10:00 p.m. in front of the Vocational-Technical Building witl Meridian radio station QlOl providing music.
:\ program full of entertain– ment is scheduled to start at 5 p m in the auditoriu m. Featured performers include talent show winners, Fashion d. Concert Choir. Col– legian', ECCC Players. Jazz Band. cheerleaders. and others. Follm\in2' the program, a cookout will be held on the ·East Mall l\;th hotdogs. ham-
For further information, burgerc:, and ice cream among please contact the Dean o items w be ~enred. Students Office, East Central 8eveiif: tours will also be Community College, Decatur, conducted lor tudents who Mississippi 39327, or phone desire to vi'3it the, ariou cam 635-2111, extension 204. lm 1. u r~ Ar r-=-u.. HINSTON COUNTY J OURNAL HERIDIAN STAR
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