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_ ............... -'t'"-.:u. East Central Invitational held at Union Golf Club
Seven community college golf teams from Mississippi partiCipated in the Hu'>t Central Com– munity Collcg'! Golf JO\.itauonal held at the Union Golf Club la~t Thursday. fli1_1d\ a.al (,ulf Coast tied for team honors wuh a 327 total for 18 hole!>, while East Centrallin~'tt.•r Scan Curr) of Louisville tied Chris Weigand of Hinds for medalist honors with a five 0\l'T p:u 77 \l'Ore. East Central placed fifth in the competition with a 351 score. Beside' Curry other I·( golfer~
and their \core~ were Kcv111 Bounds, 89; B.J . Hailey, 9 l ; and Scott1e McLaren, 94. Other team~ p.H ticipating were Jonc!>, Northwest, Pearl River and Southwe1-t.
' The treacherous 150 yard par thl'l't' No. 3 pond hole at the Union course attributed in part to the high scores by the community col– lege teams. This unidentified golfer (far left) has his shot ap– parently straying to the right of the hole, while this Gulf Coast player (left) baret) made II over the 'blue monster' and his lie made him play his second shot out of the mud. The Gulf Coast team was late ar– riving due to making a wrong tum in Union and heading to Conehat– ta before realizing the mistake.
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