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Pearl River gets win over ECCC 31-7
Pl·arl RiH•r Community Collt:gt· lll. plodt·d for !!l forth-quarter points and t>rokt· orwn a light game in route to a 31-7 \II tOr) OH'r homeslanding East Ct•nlral Community College Saturday aftt•rnoon Tht> Wildlats ' South f' hision win in1pro.ed Lhl'ir O\ era II retord to 3-4 and 2·2 in l<'ague play East Central, ln lo:,.mg its annual Homt><.oming bat– tle, fell to l 6 and 0-4. Th. Warrior:; journt-y to Jones Jun10r College this Saturday in another dil i:.ion battle. Jones is 5-2 o; l'rall and 3-1 m league competition. Following a scoreless first quarter, Pt•arl Ri\ cr took the lead for good w ht•n Terry Carter found paydir t on a , four yard run with 10:09 left before halftime Maller Stobel added lht> · PAT Tht• Wildrats extended their lead in the third period when S(·obel kicked a · 39-yard field goal with 11: 16 remain– ing East Central got on the storeboard ahout se\ en minutes later when
quarterbat k Lamont Byrd t·onncdcd v. ith wide rete!\ cr Tony K1dd on a 51-yard storing pass play. Ronni<' Williamson added the PAT. Pearl Ri\ er took tontrol of thl' dh i– sion matthup in the final stanza and stored three touthdowns v..hu·h put the game out of rcat·h for the War– riors. Runnmg ba( k Mirhael Toefield twite found paydirt, on runs of one yard, and 30 yards, and fullback Cedri Anderson capped the storing when be bulled O\er the onc ya rd line as time exptred. Stobel k1tkcd all three PAT's. STATISTICS East Central had fhe first down to 17 for Pearl Ri\'er. The Warriors rushed for 77 yards and had 155 yards passing for 232 total yards. Darnell Brown led EC rushers with 31 yards on nine carries. Lamont Byrd completed seven of 13 passes for 131 yards. Greg Fulton connected on three of seven attempts
for 24 yards and had one interception. Reteptions were made by Tony Kidd, who had se.·en cakhes for 133 yards · Anthony Clark, two for 18 yards ; and Anthony Walker, one for four yards. The Wildcats had 91 yards passing and 356 rushmg for 447 total yards. Pearl Rl\er \\as led by running back Michael Toefield who rushed for 212 yards on 32 carr ies. Byrd punted seven times for a 39.22 average. f'efenshely, the Warriors were led by Wyatt Williams who had 15 solo tackles a nd four assists. He also had a fumble reco\'ery. Other top defenders wcre .Da vid Nichols, nine and one; Hayes Petty, eight and one ; Opie Ray, seven and four; Ira McDowell, four and three; and Felton Burroughs, two and four. McDowell also had an interception. Burroughs also nabbed a Pearl River pass and also recovered a Wildcat fumble, as did Bobby Kornegay.
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