WEEK OF_________:._
Lions win Monday shootout • Game notes, 6B By Marty Stamper SCOOBA - So what if it was 52',~ hours te in starting. Monday night's East trai-East Mississippi football game was worth the wait. Led by Gerry Benson's three second-half d .,ms, the EMCC Lions claimed a 3S offensive slugfest. EMCC improved to ·le ECCC fell to 1-4. 4bat was an exciting game," EMCC J.C. Arban said. "It was fun. I really • ed 1t. Of course,
Anthony Walker scores from 1-yard out to give the Warriors an early lead
leap by David Loyd. After a 43-yard kickoff return by Sa\·ell, the Warriors needed three plays to go up 22-13. Byrd completed passes to Anthony Cla rk (17 yards ) and Tony Kidd (21 yards and the touchdown). Six plays later, EMCC scored on a 2-yard run by Robert Silliman. Kelton Spann teamed with Silliman on a two-point pass to leave the Lions down 22·21. After a Warrior fumble, EMCC took a 29-22 lead on a 6·yard run by Gandy and a two-point pass from Spann to Ma rlo Fair. EMCC covered 66 ya rds on two plays following the second-half kickoff with Ben- SEE Lions 88...
in the ena zone as the midway horn sounded. The Lions led 35-22 in the second half only to see ECCC draw even with 13:20 left in the game. After ECCC went up 3-0 on a 33-yard field goal by Ronnie Williamson EMCC took a 7-3lead behind a 7-yard run by Rick Gandy. Bobby Kornegay gave the Warriors a 9-7 lead when he picked off an ill-advised toss in the right fla t by a pressured Grady Mc– Cluskey and brought it back 61 yards un– touched. A 1-yard dive by Anthony Walker made it 15-7 with 7: 49left in the first half. A 41-yard toss from Lamont Byrd to David Savell was the key play. E~iCC drew to within 15·13 on a 2-yard
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son covering the final 44 on a draw. _ECCC trimmed the deficit to 3i> 29 when Byrd teamed with Randell Moore in the left corner 0 Ute end ~one on a 21-yard scor–
P.unt. 65 yards down the ECCC sideline ~rly in the final period. Two senes later, EMCC drove 64 ya~ds on 10 plays with Benson covermg the last 18 on yet another draw to put the Lions up 42-35..After ECCC fumbl ed away t~e kic~off, the Lions got their
APPEAREtn~ toss With 7:58 showing in the y.lurd quarter. t Felton Burroughs knotted the CARTHAG~game 35·35 when he returned a MORTON 1 NESHOBA DEMOCRAt NEWTON RECORD --
~~~! 0 ;;rnts on a 4-yard run by ~OUNTY THiES \.PPEAL
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