Pitcher coache ECCC
By Marty Stamper Special to The Star
"He tripped before he got to the base and went over the base," Clark explained. "He never ':Vent back and retouched it. Players on each stde of me hollered at the same time that he missed the base just as I stood up because I noticed it. "After 13 years of coaching, that's the first time I've ever been kicked out of a ballgame. I ~an't believe that after all these years I just flipped out all of a sudden so maybe it wasn't altogether my fault. I think to some extent I was provoked. I plan on it being 13 years before I get another one." From there, Taylor ran the team. ECCC pitcher Brian Senn allowed three smgles to score one run and have the bases loaded with no outs. The Demopolis, Ala., freshman left– bander then retired the next three batters Taylor's offense took control quickly. After Keith McGee led off with a walk, stole second and went to third when the throw went into center field, Joey Boykin smashed a two-out RBI double. Southwest pitcher Greg Floyd (4-2) failed to touch first while covering on Rusty Cramer's grounder to keep the inning alive. Taylor, coaching at third, kept Boykin runn-
DECATUR- East Central's Corey Taylor saw his pitching record fall to 5-4 in Wednes– day's 6-2 opening loss to Southwest, but he's 1-0 as a baseball coach after the Warriors won the nightcap 5-1. ECCC 06-15 O\'erall, 9-9 South Division) managed only five ingles in the opener . Taylor gave up eight hits, while striking out five and walking three. Three Warrior errors led to three unearned runs. "Taylor pitched pretty de ·ent and we put the ball in play real well, bu~ they made all the plays defensh·el~. ' EC( C coach Jamie Clark said. Bear p1tcher Mar Hampton (9-2 struck out three "'ith ooJy one walk. After ha\ · a close play or two o against his team in the opener. Clark \\asn't happy when Jay ...Jmpson fed off the nightcap with a double. Stmp..'
Special photo by Paula Merritt
ECCC's Donald Culberson scrambles safely into third
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