31-28 final ~.:ore ... Last-second field goal boosts Warriors
of Sylacauga, Alabama for a 66-yard tally with 12 seconds left before inter mi~sion. Williamson's PAT deadlock– ed the contest at 14-14. Holmes took the lead with 5:47 left 10 the third period when Browne fired a 10-yard strike to wide recetver Earl Ables. Alderman added the PAT which extended the Bulldog lead to 21-14. The 27-yard scormg drive was set up by a Warrior fumble. East Central later converted a Bulldog m•scue imo a touchdown "'hen Arlando Daniels' imerception on the Holmes' 44 set up Holifield's one– yard plunge. However, Williamson's PAT was wide left and the Warrior~ trailed 21-20 with 13:22 remaining in the game. The Warriors pracucally gave the Bulldogs their final score when a fumbled punt return gave the home team ftrst and goal on the three. ll took just one play for Robinson to '>COre his third six-pointer and with Alderman's PAT, Holmes led 28-20 with 9:33 left.
Brown of Decatur hurdled Holmes defenders for a one-yard tally. Williamson added the PAT 'Jnd with 5:50 left in the initial period and the Warriors led 7-0. The longest gainer of the seven– play, 71-yard drive was Holifield'3 46-yard dash which gave East Central po session on the Bulldog six. Holmes quickly responded with a score of its own when runmng back Greg Robinson found paydirt on a one-yard blast. Kelly Alderman kick– ed the PAT and wuh I0 econd3 re– mammg in the first quarter the score was tied 7-7. The Bulldog scoring dri' e co\crcd 75 yards and took 12 plays. Foll0\\.108 Willtamson's fumble recovery on the Holmes' 12 early in the second period, East Central mis~ed an excellent scoring opportunity when Williamson's 27 yard ftcld goal try was blocked by Scottie Whittington. Holmes Look possession on its 22 and drove 78 yards with Robinson get– ting his second touchdown, again from one yard out. Alderman again added the PAT and the Bulldogs led 14-7 with 1:26 left before halfume . The biggest gainer in the sconng drive was a 41-yard pass reception from quarterback Greg Browne to tight end Chat Ragland, which ga-.e Holmes first and goal on the one. East Central responded a ~coring pass play of its own "'hen quarterback Greg Fulton of Neshoba Central con– nected with wide receiver Tony Kidd
"I knew it was good when I kicked il," ~aid Warnor place kicker Ronnie Williamson of Nanih Waiya who3e 28 -yard field goal with one second re– maming gave East Central Communi– ty College a dramatic 31-28 victory over homestanding Holmes Thursday night. With the non-division wm, East Central improved to I-I O\erall while Holmes dropped to 0-2. The Warriors begm South Division action Saturda), September 16 by ho~ung Copiah-Lmcoln at 7:30 p.m. East Central, which scored 17 fourth -quarter points, ued the contest at 28-28 when quarterback Lamont Byrd of Carrollton, Georgia sneaked two yard~ for the stx-pointer and roll– ed nght lor the two-point conver!>ion with 5:01 remaming. The game tying tally covered 84 yard~ on just 10 plays and featured runs by Byrd of 23 yard'> and fullback Mitchell Winton of Decatur, Alabama whose 33 yard scamper gave East Cen– tral possession on the 20. Following the ensuing kickoff, the Warriors game winning scoring drive was set up when defender Jimmy Brown of Morton recovered a loose Bulldog pigskin on the Holmes 35. Rum by Byrd and running back Sammie Holifield of Lake helped in provtdmg EC with a first and goal \ituation on the nine yard line. Wtlliamson's gam..:·winning kick came on fourth do\\.n. East Central got on the scoreboard fir~t when running back Darnell
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