Alumni .. .
Bell, sOUth are ECCC's Almuni of the Year Dr Watlenne Bell a staff p~ychiatrbt at :\11s~tS51PPI State Hosp.ital 10 Whitfield ~nd College President Dr. Edd1e Sm~th have been named East Central Community College'~ Alumnt of the Year.
CoatJaued from page. I ly employed at Copiah-Lincoln Jr. College. Prior to that he worked at Natchez-Adams County Public Schools and at the Unjversity of Southern Mississippi Natchez campus. In addition to his educational career, Smith has also been active in civic and religious affairs. He currently serves as church organist at Clarke-Venable Baptist Church in Decatur and has served on the finance, music, and nominating committees at the church. He is also a member of the Decatur Lions Club and has served that club as vice– president and member of the Board of Directors. Dr. Smith is a member of the Mississippi Association of Colleges and Universities Board of Directors, National Steering Committee for Phi Beta Kappa National Headquarters, State Auditor's Task Force, the Mississippi Association of Community and Junior Colleges, where he serves as Secretary-Treasurer; the Mississip– pi Community/ Junior Colleges Economic Development Foundation, Newton County Community Concert Board of Directors and the Newton County Community Development Association Board . The Noupater High graduate at– tended school at Mississippi State University and the University of Southern Mississippi, where he receiv– ed a doctorate degree in Administra– tion and Supervision. Dr. Smith and his wife, Charlotte, have two daughters; Kelli, 25, a stu– dt:nt at University Medical School and Wendy, 21, a senior at Mississippi College. Smith and Bell will be recognized at a noon luncheon on October 14 along with the school's outstanding academic and vocational-technical in– structors and inductees in the school's Athletic Hall of Fame. Tbe annual award recipients are selected by the college's Alumni Association Election Committee. Ser– ving as Association president is Mrs. Gloria McRae of Carthage. Following the luncheon and awards presentation, the Warrior football team will host division foe Pearl River with kickoff time set for 2:30p.m. A reception will be held in Mabry Cafeteria following the game.
Bell a Union native, and Smtth, who is in hi~ fifth year as president of E~t Cen– tral will be honored for tpetr ac corr:pli~hments during Homecoming ac– uvities at the college on Saturday, October 14 · " B II Chosen"A1umnaoftheYear ,Dr. e is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Herrington . She was the Valedictorian of her 1952 graduating class. During her two years at East Cent:at, Dr. Bell served as class officer and ed1tor of thr campus newspaper The Tom-Tom.
~ After ber graduation from East.C~m.ral! Bell continued her educauon at M1~51s~1pp1 Dr. Walterine Bell College and later at the University of Mississippi School of Medicine. Bell ha \en.ed on the Whttfield staff since 1962. Her hus~and, Dr . Charles Bell, a former classmate, is also a staff psych1atnst at Whitfield
The Bells have two children, a daughter, Or. Charlene Broome, who IS present!~ in pediatnc rc~idency at Le Bonheur Hospl_tal in Memphb, and a \On •. ~a~l> •. a semor pre-medicine major at MISSISSIPPI Co~ege. Dr. Bell said receiving the award IS "a great honor" and one she feels she does not deserve. " However, by receiving the award I have the opportunity to exl?r~ss my gratitude to East Central for pro~1dmg me with excellent instruction and bemg ~o supportive as I pursued a career m medicine," she said. During Smith's tenure, the enrollment at the two-year college located in Decatur
Dr. Eddie Smith
. . . has almost doubled. He is a 1963 graduate o~ the m:.tttu~on. Before being named EC president in. 1985, Smtth \\as previOusly Continued on page 8... See Alumo1 ...
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