
May 'z..l., .a985 , The Newton'kecor'd-

Women·Basketball Awards

J send, daughter OJ Pearlean Evans of Lawrence - Best Defensive Player, Honorable Mention All– State; Joy Eichelberger, daughter of Mr. and Mr . Calvin Eichelberger of Louisville - Team Cap· tain, Best Offensive Player, All Star Game, 1st team All-State, All-Region VI (N\1, TX, AR. LA, MS), National Junior College All Star Game, 2nd team All-American. (Photo By ECJC)

During East Central Junior College's recent athletic banquet, several basketball women were honored. Receiving awards were : (I to r) Thira Huffman, daughter of ~1s Grace Hu ffmon of Louisville - Most Improved Player; Karen Miller, daughter of Ms l'rance~ Miller of Louisville - Scholastic Award: Beverly Cham– bers, daughter of Mr and \1rs. Willie Ford of Morton -Team Captain, Warriorette A\\ard. All-Star Game, 2nd team All·State; Sethia Town-


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