ECJC Warriorettes ('~}~~J.m ,two more wins The East Central J umor Col- E h !berger Y.ith 21 points. lege Warriorettes have added l.x' d g l:1 indc: were Tracey two more wins to their record Park r .,.,,th 31 pmnts, Ta mra and the Warriors have added Haggard "ath 20 points, one. On Jan. 18 the \\'arrioret- -...haron "nuth with 12 points, tes and Warriors took on and Gaal Lobue \\Jlh 10 points. Holmes Junior College on the In the second game of t he ECJC campus. With a halftime mght. Hind" dropped a 75-66 score of 57-33 in t he Warriuret· defeat on t'he Warriors. Mike tes favor, t hey went on to bias. Mille; of Helena. AK put 25 Holmes with a 105-67 wm J, •y pom on the boad for ECJ C Eichelberger of Louisville put followed by Griffith with 14 37 points on the board for East points. and Ronnie Bender of Central followed by Karen Lc,ui \ 1lle .... ith l 2 points. High Miller of Louisville with 22 ...corers for Hinds were Robert points, Beverly Chambers of Bendolph wath 27 points. Alray Lena (a graduate of :\lorton l...ew1" with 15 points, Alvin H igh School) with 16 point s. Morris with 1-1 points, and and Beverly Bowie of Lena (a l..awc.;on Veal with 12 poin ts. graduate of Mor ton H igh On Jan. 24 the \\:arriors and School) with 14 points. High \\ arriorettes traveled to Utica scorers for Holmes were Bar· Junior College. The Warrioret· bara Harris with 32 points, tes held out a 45-41 halftime Debbie Douglas with 13 points. lead but were defeated in the a nd Corine Dent with 11 end 87-li. High scorers for points. East Central "ere Eichelberger In t he men's game, with a wilh 30 points, Miller wit h 18 tied halftime score of 30-30, the points. and Bowie with 14 Warriors were defeated by points. High scorers for Utica Holmes in t he end 75-56. Ricky were Beulah Leggens with 41 Griffit h of As hland, KY led the points. Rochelle Henderson Warriors with 16 po ints, with 14 points, Pam Allen with followed by Kenny Morgan of 13 points, and Linda Lee with Morton with 13 points, and 11 points. Drew Garvin of Wurtland. KY In men's action, the War– with 11 points. High scorers riors picked up their wm as for Holmes were Johnny J ames they led at the half 25-24 and with 28 points and J ames went on to defeat Utica 57-54. Lehaman with 14 points. High scorers for 8 ast Central On Jan. 21 Hinds Junior Col- were Morgan with 17 points, lege met with defeat as the Griffith with 12 points, and Warriorettes led at the half l\lill::; with 11 points. High 51-30 and went ori to win the scorer::; for Utica were Mike game 90·83. Mill e r a nd While with lfl poin ts and Chambers led ECJC wit h 22 Jam1e John5nn with 10 points. poin ts, followed b y__ ~ ;,r o,= '''lORT '- r~ -------
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