East Central hits court-agaifl_,~As6 The East Central Junior College War– riors and Warriorettes ha\e hit the court again after a two "eel.; -;emester break. On January 8 ECJC tra~eled to Perkinston to take on Gulf Coast Junior College. Both teams met defeat with Gulf Coast over the Wauioreues 71-61 following a close halftime ~ore of 39-37 Joy Eichelberger of LouJs-.ille led ECJC with 20 points followed by Sethia Town– send of Lawrence with IS points, Beverly Chambers of Lena with II points, and Karen Miller of Louisville with 10 points. High scorers for Gulf Coast were Darlene-Watts with 19 poinu, Dina Fountain with 12 points, and Denise McDonald with 10 points. In the men's game, ECJC was defeated by Gulf Coast 70-49. Kenny Morgan of Morton led the Warriors with 12 pomts. H igh scorers for Gulf Coast were Miller and Cannon with 12 points, and Fairley and Holland with 10 points On January 10 East Central met the Jones Junior College Bobcats on ECJC's home court. In the women's game the Warriorettes led the Lady Bobcats at the half 38-32 and went on to defeat them 76-62. Eichelberger again led the War– rioreues with 38 points followed by Miller with 15 point~. High scorers for Jones were Lisa Hinshaw with 19 point~ and Hope Magee with II points. The Warriors also claimed a victory O\ier Jo nes. At the half the Bobcats led 44-31 bm the Warriors came back and defeated the Bobcats 74-70. Drew Gar– vin of \\ urlland, Kentucky led ECJC with 18 points followed by Ricky Grif– fith of Ashland, Kentucky \\ith I I pomts and Johnny Gill of Walnut Gr,ove with 10 points. High scorers for Jones were Jay Brc•v.n and Eddie Holifield with 14 points and Daniel Dougla~ with 13 points
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